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Latest from Europe.

Mr. Roebuck Withdraws Ills motion for the Reclamation of the Southern Confederacy--Loussia's reply to the news of the four Powers.

The steamship Scotis, with dates from Liverpool of the 18th inst., arrived off Cape Race on the 24th inst. Her news is four days later. We give a summary of its most important points:

In the House of Commons, on the 13th, Mr. Roebuck rose and said:

‘ Sir, I rise for the purpose of moving that the order be read for the purpose of its being discharged. [Hear, hear] I brought forward that section under the feeling that I was about to invite the House to take a step which would have the effect of putting an end to the horrible carnage now going on in America, and which would also serve the commercial interests of Great Britain. For so doing I have incurred much obloquy — an obloquy that has come from a very noisy, if not from a very wise party. [Laughter.] I must say that my present determination has not been influenced thereby. The noble lord at the head of the Government has said that the continuance of this debate was an impediment in his way to the good government of the country. [Hear, hear.] I have paid respect to the noble lord's wishes, and I have likewise induced my honorable Stead (Mr. Lindray) to forego his feelings in the matter.

’ When the noble Lord sat down on Friday last my honorable friend and myself were perfectly, or at least very nearly, satisfied with what had been stated, and if nothing mere had been said, there the matter would have ended, but official arrogance is a plant of portentously rapid growth, [loud laughter,] and the Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs thought fit to bring a charge against my honorable friend, to which he believed his honor and his feelings called for an answer. But. sir, a little cool reflection has taught him that insinuations of the kind, coming from such a quarter, may not be regarded. [Loud cries of "oh, oh," and "hear hear."]

It has been stated that the time has not yet come for the consideration of the question, and I have yielded to the suggestion. But let the noble lord bear in mind that there are two dangers before him which he will have to meet, and which England will have to meet, and one is the possibility of a reconstruction of the Union upon a Southern basis, and the other is the acknowledgment of the Confederated South by the Emperor of the French alone.

Those are the two great dangers for England. [Cries of "No, no," and "Hear, hear"] The noble lord will, I have no doubt, with his long experience, fully justify the confidence of the people in his consideration of these two great questions. I leave them, sir, without hesitation in his hands, though I must say my opinions are entirely against the withdrawal of them from public consideration at this time. England and England's interests demand the decision of this House, and it is only under a feeling of great respect for the noble lord that I now withdraw this motion. [Hear, hear]

Mr. Lindsay followed with an account of his interview with the French Emperor, and endeavored to vindicate himself from the charge of being an "amateur diplomatist."

Viscount Palmerston followed, reviewed the personal question in regard to the volunteer mission of Messrs. Roebuck and Lindsay as ambassadors in behalf of the rebels, which he pronounced irregular, and that the British Government preferred to get its communications from foreign Powers through its accredited ministers and diplomatic trouts.

The London Times, editorially, shows the inexpediency of Roebucks motion, contending that the present time is inopportune for interference.

Firing into British vessels.

In the House of Lords, on the 14th inst, the Earl of Carlisle asked if any official report had been received of the firing upon the steamer Margaret and Jessie off the Bahamas. He understood Mr. Seward had promised an inquiry and ample reparation if the case was established, but he believed something more was necessary, namely, that stops should be taken to prevent the recurrence of similar outrages. He wished to know if it was true that the Federal cruisers had determined to take no more prizes, but to sink all vessels running the blockade into Charleston.

Earl Russell replied that the Governor of the Bahamas had made no official report, but he had no doubt that the American Government would make reparation.

Russia and Poland.

The Memorial Diplomatique in a dispatch from Vienns, states that the reply of Prince Gortechakoff does not entirely respond to the expectations of Austria, who will immediately consent to ulterior measures with the Western Powers for obtaining their common purpose.

The Pays believes that Russia's acts are not altogether satisfactory. The Western Powers still adhere to their programs.

In Russia imperial decrees have been issued, directing, in view of the present state of affairs, a fresh levy of troops for November.

The Russian note, delivered to France on the 17th, is asserted to be conciliatory; all the six points are assented to, but an amnesty to all laying down arms is proposed, instead of as armistice.

The Polish insurrection continues active.

An important debate took place in the House of Lords on Polish affairs. Lords Russell and Derby had agreed that it was not a case for armed intervention, and England could do nothing further than submit proposals, which she had done. Lord Derby deprecated diplomatic interference.

The debate was considered by the London journals decisive of the policy which England would pursue.


There was great anxiety to learn the final result, it of the battle between Lee and Meade.

The London Times refers to Vicksburg and Port Hudson as the principal struggles that are to come.

The Times says Mr. E who visited London to assist U. S. Minister Adams on international questions, returns home in the Scotia. The belief is that his presence has been useful, and that he has conducted his mission with satisfaction to all parties.

In the House of Commons Lord Cecil asked whether compensation would be granted to Capt. Blakely for the detention of the steamer Gibraltar, late Sumter, and complained that the Government had allowed itself to be made the tool of Mr. Adams.

Queen Victoria will visit Germany for four weeks in August. She will travel as the "Duchess of Lancaster."

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