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From the Valley.

From various sources of information we are assured that the Valley country is now unoccupied by the Yankees, and that the people once more breathe the air of freedom. The only Federal force we hear of is a report that they have a small body at Martinsburg, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, which road perhaps the Government is rebuilding. One statement represents that our forces extend as low down as Shepherdstown, but this we are satisfied is unfounded. A Yankee force of infantry and cavalry, estimated at from two to three thousand, is on the South Branch, in Hardy county, and a short time since they were pressing horses, from which the inference is drawn that they contemplate a raid.

The crops of corn and grass in the Valley are said to be excellent, scarcely ever surpassed in that productive region.

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Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Hardy County (West Virginia, United States) (1)
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