One Hundred Dollars reward.
--Ranaway from the subscribers, on the night of the 5th inst., two negro men, named
Riley and
Dan. Riley is a very bright mulatto, 18 or 19 years old, 5 feet 6 or 8 inches high, and has on his right side a very large scar, the effect of a burn in boyhood; had on when he left a soldier's cap, and either a dark
frock coat or gray sack, and carried with him a black
oil cloth satchel and red checked counterpane; would pass for a white man in any crowd.
He is in all probability making his way back to
Kentucky, where he was purchased about a year ago. Dan is black, 24 or 25 years old, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, stout built, short hair and short whiskers; had on when he left a new suit of black jeans, and may follow
Riley in the direction of
Kentucky, or may have induced
Riley to follow him to the
county of Hanover, where he has a wife — in either case, trying to make their way to the
Yankee lines.
The above reward will be paid for their arrest and confinement, or $50 will be paid for either of them.