
Food for the Yankee prisoners.

From the following letter of Judge Ould to the Yankee Commissioner of Exchange it will be observed that our Government has determined to put an end to the reception of delicacies by the Yankee prisoners from their humane friends in the North. The reasons set forth in this letter amply justify our Government in the step it has taken, if indeed they were ever justified in allowing such an opportunity for the exercise of the charities of the misguided fanatics, who have so basely defamed the South and her institutions:

Confederate States of America,
War Department,

Richmond, Va., Dec. 11th, 1863.
Brig. Gen. S. A. Meredith, Agent of Exchange: Sir
--As the assent of the Confederate Government to the transmission by your authorities and people of food and clothing to the prisoners at Richmond and elsewhere has been the subject of so much misconstruction and misrepresentation, and has been made the occasion of so much vilification and abuse, I am directed to inform you that no more will be allowed to be delivered at City Point. The clothing and provisions already received will be devoted to the use of your prisoners. When that supply is exhausted they will receive the same rations as our soldiers in the field.

Your ob't serv't,

Robert Ould,
Agent of Exchange.

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