
The Averill raid.

There seems to be no longer any doubt that Averill, with the greater portion of his command, have succeeded including the efforts made for his capture by our forces. A gentleman who left Fincastle as late as Tuesday says that they retreated on the Barber's Creek road and came out at Hook's, on the Rich Patch Mountain, four miles beyond Rearing Run Furnace, the property of the Petersburg Locomotive and Iron Works Company. All Saturday night they retreated rapidly on the Barber's Creek and Raleigh roads, and crossed Jackson's river early on Sunday morning over the Island Fork bridge, for the destruction of which an order had been sent to Col. Jackson. The latter officer's forces are said to have been within a few miles of the bridge when the enemy crossed, but failed to give them battle.

In their eagerness to destroy the bridge after them, the enemy left nearly a thousand of their men behind, who were attacked by Maj. Laidley, at the head of a small party of men, and completely routed with a loss of 200 prisoners and 30 negroes. The main body of Averill's command crossed the river again at Covington, about 9 o'clock on Sunday morning, burning the bridge at that point after them. Two roads were at that time open to them — the Authony's Creek and Warm Springs roads, by the latter of which they have doubtless succeeded in effecting their escape. The last news heard of the pursuit represents Gen. Fitzhugh to have been 24 hours behind them.

In crossing Craig's creek the enemy lost about 30 of their men by drowning, besides nearly all their wagons and ammunition.--Their artillery was pulled across with ropes. A prisoner captured near Fincastle says that the main object of the raid was the destruction of the salt works, and that a portion of Averill's command have gone in another direction. This prisoner says that the plan was, that after the destruction of the Government stores at Salem, the two divisions were to meet at Christiansburg, Montgomery county, and move on to the salt works.

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