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Fire in New Orleans.

--The N. O. Times, of the 12th, notices a destructive fire which occurred there the day before. It says:

‘ About 5 o'clock yesterday morning a fire broke out in the hardware store of F. F. Folger & Co., on Tehoupitonias st., between Gravier and Natchez sts. Messrs. Folger & Co., occupied three stores fronting on Tehoupitonias and New Levee, through which the fire was soon raging with relentless fury. The firemen were soon on the ground, but could not prevent the fire from extending to the adjoining liquor store of Jonas Pickles, on New Levee st., and to the magnificent store of Messrs. Grieff, Byrnes & Co., on Tehoupitonias st. From thence it extended to the magnificent, unoccupied store of Messrs. Schmidt & Ziegler, in the rear of Grieff, Byrnes & Co. The houses on the opposite side of Natchez were at various times on fire, but the flames there were checked by the exertions of the firemen. Messrs. Folger & Co., had a large stack of goods on hand, as also Messrs. Grieff, Byrnes & Co. We understand that the latter saved part of their books, but lost some $8,000 in greenbacks.--The total less of buildings and other property will fully foot up $500,000.

’ But more tearful than the loss of property was the loss of life which attended this conflagration, by the falling of a portion of the walls of the store of Jonas Pickles. Several firemen were buried beneath the ruins, resulting in the death of Mr. Buckley, assistant foreman of No. 21, and the tious wounding of J. Hoffman and A. Nevette, besides several others who were more or less bruised. Hoffman and the body of Buckley were not recovered from the ruins until they had been buried for several hours. Buckley was scorched and bruised over all parts of the body. He is now lying in state at the engine house of the company of which he was a member. Truly, "in the midst of life we are near death."

The buildings occupied by Grieff, Byrnes & Co. were estimated at $40,000, and belonged to P. Irwin; that occupied by Folger & Co. belonged to Mrs. Ida Slocomb, and was valued at $50,000.--Several buildings on Natchez Alley were considerably injured by the falling of the walls of Grieff, Byrnes & Co.'s store.

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