Senate was called to order by
Mr. Hunter, of
President pro tem. Prayer by
the Rev. J. L. Burrows, of the Baptist Church.
Mr. Johnson, of
Ga., submitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:
Whereas, the campaigns of the brave and gallant armies covering the capital of the
Confederate States during the two successive years of 1862 and 1863, under the leadership and command of
Gen. Robert E. Lee, have been crowned with glorious results defeating greatly superior forces massed by the enemy for the conquest of these States; repelling the invaders with immense losses, and twice transferring the battle field from our country to that of the enemy:
and whereas, the masterly and glorious achievements, rendering forever memorable the fields of the "seven days of great battles" which raised the siege of
Richmond, as well as those of
Cedar Run,
Second Manassas,
Harper's Ferry,
Gettysburg, and
Chancellorsville, command the admiration and gratitude of our country; and
whereas, these and other illustrious services rendered by this able commander since the commencement of our war for independence have especially endeared him to the hearts of his countrymen, and have imposed on Congress the grateful duty of giving expression to their feelings: Therefore,
Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the thanks of Congress are hereby tendered to
Gen. Robert E. Lee, and to the officers and soldiers of the Confederate armies under his command, for the great and signal victories they have won over the vast hosts of the enemy, and for the inestimable services they have rendered in defence of the liberty and independence of our country.
Resolved, That the
President be requested to communicate these resolutions to
Gen. Robert E. Lee and to the officers and soldiers herein designated.
Mr. Johnson, of
Ga., presented a memorial of the
Fire Brigade of
Augusta, Ga., asking to be permitted to organize into a corps for local defence.
Referred to the Military Committee.
Mr. Clay, of
Ala., offered a resolution, which was adopted, requesting the
President to inform the Senate whether the taxes have been assessed in the
Confederate States, in conformity with law; and if not, in what States it has been assessed, and in what States and parts of States the taxes has been collected.
Mr. Semmes, of
La., from the Finance Committee, reported a bill providing for an increase of the compensation of clerks and employees in the civil departments of the
Government in
The bill provides to increase from 1st January, 1864, to the 1st July, 1864, the compensation of those employees receiving $1,500 per annum, one hundred per cent.; and of those receiving $3,000, fifty per cent.
Pending the discussion of the bill, on motion of
Mr. Dortch, of
N. C., the Senate resolved itself into secret Executive session, and the doors being reopened adjourned.
House met at 12 o'clock, and was opened with prayer by
Rev. Dr. Minnegerode.
Mr. Perkins, of
La., reported from the Committee of Ways and Means, Senate bill to authorize the appointment of a 3d
Auditor of the Treasury, with the recommendation that it pass.
The bill was considered and passed.
From the same committee a bill was reported to authorize the cancellation of certain Confederate bonds and the substitution of others in their stead; which was laid on the table.
House also passed the bill to authorize the appointment of an
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for the west side of the
Mississippi river.
The bill appropriating $100,000 to the
Cherokee Indians was reported back from the Committee of Ways and Means, with the recommendation that it be referred to the
Committee on Indian Affairs; and it was so referred.
Mr. Swann, of
Tenn., reported from the Military Committee a bill to provide for placing persons in the military service of the
Confederacy claiming to be citizens of the
United States.
The bill subjects to enrollment and conscription all white males between the ages of 18 and 45, claiming to be citizens of the
United States, who may be in the
Confederacy on and after the 1st day of May next.
As a substitute for the above the
House adopted a bill requiring all foreigners to leave the
Confederacy before the 1st day of February, or to become liable to enrollment and conscription after that time.
Before the substitute was placed upon its final passage, a motion was made to adjourn and agreed to.