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The Shelling of Charleston.

--The Charleston Courier, of Monday, says the enemy average about one shot an hour thrown into the city. It adds:

‘ The damage, as usual, has been very small.--During Saturday night a 100 pounder Parrott struck a building, entering through the roof, and after shattering a bedstead on which the family, including three small children, were sleeping, passed through to the lower floor and exploded, causing some destruction to the building, but injuring no one. The escape of the occupants of the bed is regarded as almost miraculous, and the place has been visited by crowds of citizens, civil and military.

’ On Saturday the enemy fired seven shots at Fort Sumter from battery Gregg, three of which missed. The picket Monitor has given place to two small steam tugs, which are now anchored off the fort.--No other change of importance has taken place in the fleet, the number of vessels, including the Ironsides and four monitors, being about the same.

The enemy continue hard at work upon Gregg and the Cummings Point batteries. They have also commenced some additional work on the central batteries. The Yankees for several days past have kept up a sharp and rapid musketry fire on. Morris Island, frequently firing by platoons and regiments.

On Saturday morning an impression prevailed that an infantry fight had commenced. The firing is believed to be only a shrewd. Yankee trick to cover their weakness on Morris Island and keep up the appearance of a large force. It is believed that the most of their troops have left for active movements elsewhere.

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