
The reconnaissance to Newbern.

The reconnaissance to Newbern under Gen. Pickett proved very successful. Our forces left Kinston on Sunday morning last. On Monday morning they encountered the enemy at Batchelor's Creek, seven miles from Newbern, and here, in laying down the pontoons for the Confederates to cross, Col. Shaw and three privates, of the 8th N. C. regiment, were killed, and fifteen wounded. The enemy were driven from here, as stated yesterday in the official telegram.

All the other particulars of this fight were given in Gen. Pickett's telegram yesterday. A good many rumors were afloat that the town of Newbern had been invested, but none of them are as yet true. On the contrary, an official dispatch has been received that our forces under Gen. Pickett have returned to Kinston. They succeeded in bringing off safely all the captures mentioned in the telegram yesterday.

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