
The operations of the enemy on the Peninsula — their reported Retire sent to New Kent Court House.

After their repulse at Bottom's Bridge, on Sunday morning, the enemy fell back to Talleysville. at the junction of the old Williamsburg and Hanover roads, about twenty-four miles distant from this city. Here they command in considerable force until about soon yesterday, when they retired to New Kent Court House.

Their force at Talleysville on Sunday, as reported by one of Col. Shingler's couriers, consisted of three brigades of infantry, four regiments of cavalry, and twelve pieces of

The impression is that this demonstration as an advance of their lines, and new base of operations, extending Cumberland, on the Pamunkey, to Shales, on the Chickahominy. If they succeed in forming this base, their lines will be advanced some 25 miles nearer this my which will afford them advantages of operating not heretofore foreseen.

In the little affair at Bottom's Bridge, on Sunday morning the enemy's loss was not considerable. A number of their men are observed to fall beneath the well directed him of our artillery, whilst the loses of their cavalry suffered quite security.

Their raiment to New Kent C. H. Indices that apprehensions are entertained that the formidable obstacles and in their path were anticipated in the first inception the movement. There can be no doubt and cowardly Butler is determined to make an effort to release the prisoners now in Richmond, and we that it well behooves our authorities to give serious attention to this demonstration.

In conduction with this demonstration, State that gentleman who came up in the of boat represents that the enemy have been largely reinforced at New News and Yorktown, and that matters at Fortress Mon indicate active preparations for a formidable advance of the enemy.

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