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Gen. A. P. Hill, and his Columbia friends.

--The following pleasant correspondence we find in a late number of the Columbia South Carolinian.--The fact, says the editor of the Carolinian, that it is written in the familiar terms of friendship, and was not intended for the public eye, will detract none the less from the spirit and naivete which are manifest throughout the two letters:

Columbia, S. C., Sept., 1863.
Gen. A. P. Hill, C. S. A. Dear Sir:
Please accept this pair of spurs, the offering of myself, aided by a few friends, as a slight testimony of our admiration of you as a patriot and soldier, and our gratitude for your brave efforts to protect our dear country against her enemies. You do not need anything to spur you on to noble enterprises, and therefore, we beg you will understand that these spurs are intended only for your horse — unless, indeed, you happen to come across any young laggard, who is skulking from the service of his country in the field, when we beg you to apply them to him. We are young girls — little more than children — and do not know whether any one will ever hereafter ask us in marriage; but we know what answer the applicant will receive, if he cannot claim the rank of a Confederate soldier.

May you be as successful and happy as you are brave and good; and may Heaven bless you, and preserve you, to wear in peace, the spurs which you have so nobly won in war.

Very respectfully, your young country women.

Headq'rs 3d Corps, December 7th, 1863.
My Dear Miss Mary:
The very handsome pair of spurs so kindly presented me by yourself and young friends have been received, and I thank you most heartily for the taken of good will and of the esteem in which you hold services incident to my position. If I have done aught to win these spurs, the gallant soldiers of your own native State are entitled partly to the credit. They have never faltered when the charge was sounded. The noble steadfast devotions of the few in the field, should call a blush of shame to the cheeks of those who are fattening at home upon the distress of their country. At all events, mete out to those the punishment you threaten and never let them know the cheer of the domestic fireside, or be smiled upon by "Heaven's last, best gift"--woman.--When these cruel wars are over, Miss Mary, I shall be reminded of Columbia, and I hope spurred to a visit in that direction, to meet my kind friends, Please remember me affectionately to your young friends, and give to each a kiss for me, which I will repay to you with interest when we meet — Very affectionately, your friend,

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