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The oldest company in Virginia.

Camp 9th Virginia Vote., Near Richmond, March 28th, 1864.
To the Editor of the Dispatch.
In perusing over one of your copies, published about the middle of this month, I trial, under the head of "Patriotic resolutions of an old Richmond company," the Richmond Light Infantry Blues have re-enlisted for the war. I hope all Virginians have followed their example. You spoke of their being the oldest military organization in Virginia Allow me to differ with you on that point. We company "C," of this regiment, claim to be the oldest military organization in this State, and I have heard of none in the Confederate States of an older organization. This company was organized on the 29th October, 1792, and the Richmond Blues In June or July, 1793, I am not able now to say. We have records to show the above statement (if the Yanks have not found and destroyed them,) in Portsmouth, Va. The company (refer to is the Portsmouth Rifle Company. At home we have the name of "Oh! Killer," or "Riflemen"--We have re-enlisted for the war as a division under Major Gen. Pickett. We have been undersight command since November 1852, and he exactly suits us.

A Member.

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