Run Away.
--Left my house, on Saturday, the 9th inst, my servant girl
She is about 20 years of age, dark mulatto, and of good size; and appearance, and is now near her confinement; she had on when she left a faded gray home spun dress and carried with her a small figured dark brown calico.
I purchased her in November last of
Mr. E Larde, of this city, who bought her from some gentleman residing in
Halifax county, Virginia; she may endeavor to return to that place, but it is supposed that she has sought some house in this city for her confinement.
A liberal reward will be paid for her apprehension and delivery to me, or for any information that may lead to her recovery.
James T
Corner 1st and Cary streets,
Or apply at Tardy &
Williams, corner Cary and 13th streets. ap 12--4t