We have some additional particulars of the capture of
Plymouth by
Gen. Hoke.
The force engaged on our side was
Hoke's brigade, commanded by
Col. Mercer, of the 21st Ga.,
Ransom's brigade, commanded by
Gen. Ransom, and
Kemper's (
Virginia) brigade, commanded by
Col. Terry.
On Sunday afternoon, about 4 o'clock, our forces, under the command of
Gen. Hoke, arrived in front of
Plymouth, the fortifications being plainly visible through the trees behind which the
Confederates were drawn up. The 1st Virginia regiment, commanded by
Major Norton, was thrown forward as skirmishers, and the enemy's pickets retired behind their fortifications.
Just as the firing commenced a white object was seen in the field in front, which was supposed to be a flag of truce, but which proved on inspection to be a target planted there by the
Yankees for artillery practice.
In the same field there were several targets planted, and by previous practice the enemy had gotten a perfect range of all the approaches to their works.
Yankees opened on the skirmishers with the large guns in the fort which they were approaching, in which was mounted a 100 pounder
Parrott and 8 inch Columblad.
No assault was made on Sunday afternoon, though the skirmishers were kept out.
During the afternoon a gunboat came out from behind the town and started up the river with a pleasure party on board.
Our artillery opened on her, but though struck she proceeded on up the river, landed her passengers, and that night attempted to drop down to the town.
She was again attacked by the artillery, and by some sharpshooters posted on the banks for the purpose, but without stopping her.
On Monday our forces held the position assumed Sunday evening, the enemy shelling at times furiously.
By this shelling the following casualties, of which we have heard, occurred in the 1st Virginia regiment:
Delaware McMinn, wounded in the side, supposed mortally;
Frank Josephs, ankle crushed;
Theo J
Robertson, in eight places, all slight;
Lieut Payne, face, slight.
On Tuesday, it seems, heavy fighting occurred, with varied success, and on Wednesday morning the place was carried by assault,
Hoke's brigade entering and charging with the bayonet up the principal streets.--
Col. Mercer, who led them, was killed.
During Tuesday our artillery, including the Fayette Artillery, of
Richmond, was planted within 150 yards of the fortifications and opened fire.
The Fayette Artillery, it is stated, suffered heavily from the enemy's fire.
The gunboat which went out of the
Roanoke it is said made short work of the ship — ping in front of the town.
Sunday morning our cavalry pickets found a negro spy coming into our lines wearing the dress of a field hand, and having a red handkerchief tied around his head.
Under this dress was found the full uniform of a Yankee soldier.
The negro was hung on the spot.