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Arrival of Yankee prisoners.

--On Tuesday, the 18th, a detachment of some five or six hundred prisoners passed through Montgomery. Ala, en route for Americus, Ga, where the prisoners will remain until paroled. The Advertiser says:

‘ The most of these prisoners belong to Col Hawkins's renegade 7th Tennessee cavalry, who were captured by Gen Forrest at Union City, Tenn — Col Hawkins, his Staff, one Major, seven Captains, and several Lieutenants were with the party. Col Hawkins is a well known Tennessee lawyer, a man of superior abilities, but one who is alleged to have been extremely cruel to all our people that have fallen into his hands. He stated that he hoped soon to be exchanged, in order fight harder for the Union than ever; but whether his wish will be gratified is questionable. His officers were generally liked by the party who had them in charge, although he himself evidently needed to be closely looked after. The men under his command were a hard looking set, composed mainly of Tennessean, who had proved recreant to the principles that should govern all Southern men, They openly accuse their leaders of cowardice on the field, and say that they were surrendered against their own wishes.

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