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Confederate States Congress.

The Senate met at 12 o'clock yesterday. The proceedings were opened with prayer by the Rev. J. L. Burrows, of the Baptist Church.

Mr. Johnson, of Ark., submitted a resolution of concurrence that Congress adjourn on Monday, the 16th instant, at 12 o'clock M.; which resolution, on Mr. Johnson's motion, was read and laid on the table until to-day.

Mr. Hill, of Ga., presented the memorial of officers of Anderson's brigade, asking a change in the law allowing officers to buy one ration per diem. Referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Sparrow, of La., presented the memorial of the proprietors of the "Southern Literary Messenger," asking to be put on the same footing as newspapers in the matter of the exemption of their employees.

Mr. Orr., of S. C., presented the memorial of employees and detailed men in the Quartermaster's Department at Columbia, S. C. Referred to the Finance Committee.

Mr. Caperton, of Va, presented the memorial of the Governor of Va., asking Congress to provide for the redemption of Confederate notes held by the State on the 1st April, 1864. Referred to the Finance Committee.

Mr. Sparrow, of La, introduced a bill to provide and organize a general staff for armies in the field. Referred to the Military Committee.

Mr. Brown, of Miss., introduced a bill to establish and equalize the grades of officers of the navy. Referred to the Naval Committee.

Mr. Dortch, of N. C., offered a joint resolution of thanks to Major General Robert F. Hoke and Commander James W. Cooke, and the officers and men under their command, for the brilliant victory over the enemy at Plymouth, N. C. Unanimously adopted.

Mr. Maxwell, of Fla., offered a joint resolution of thanks to Brig. Gen. Jos. Finnegan and the officers and men of his command, for the skill and gallantry displayed in achieving the signal victory of Ocean Pond, Florida, on the 20th Feb. last.

Mr. Johnson, of Ark., introduced a bill to provide means of transit across the Mississippi river for members of Congress living west of that river, coming to or returning from Congress.

Mr. Orr., of S. C., offered a resolution, which was agreed to, instructing the Committee on Printing to inquire into and report the causes of delay in the public printing.

Mr. Graham, of N. C., offered a resolution, which was agreed to, instructing the Finance Committee to inquire into the expediency of so amending the Currency act of the last session as to provide that bonds of the Confederate States, to be received by any State in pursuance of said act, shall be coupon bonds and exempt from taxation; and that all Confederate notes of any of the old issues held by any State on the first of April last may, at the option of such State, be exchanged for such bonds or for Treasury notes of the new issue; and further, that all just demands of any State against the Confederate Government accruing, but unpaid, prior to the said 1st of April, shall be paid in Treasury notes of the new issue.

On motion of Mr. Hill, of Ga., the Senate adjourned.

House of Representatives.--Prayer by Rev. Dr. Duncan.

Mr. James M. Leach, of N. C., asked leave to make an explanation of his position, and alluded to an article published in the Examiner, which he stated made a fling not only at him particularly but also at his State. He also alluded to various misrepresentations which he said had been made about the position and sentiments of the people of N. Carolina, and of his district particularly, which had been misunderstood. He stated that he was a peace man on the basis of the acknowledgment of the independence of the Confederate States at the earliest possible day, and so far as his district was concerned there was not a truer, more loyal, or law-abiding people in the Confederate States. He was the representative of a conservative district, but had never yet heard an expression from a solitary man of his constituency that looked to reconstruction at any time. He is in the same position, and so is North Carolina, as Vice President Stephens, and Gov. Brown, of Ga., &c.

Mr. J. T. Leach, of N. C., concurred in every word of his colleague, but goes further; is for peace, but an honorable peace. At the breaking out of the war he laid his all on the side of the Sunny South, and when it becomes necessary will "cap" it with his life as a sacrifice. He was for negotiation in order to end the war. The war of 1775, as well as of 1812, was ended by negotiation, and so might this be. There was disloyalty in his State he was proud to say, not to the Government but to the bad laws which had been enacted, and there will be until evenhanded justice was dealt out to her. If any other treason or disloyalty existed he did not know it. At this point, Mr. Staples, of Va., asked the Hon. gentleman from N. C., the question if he was for peace on any other terms as a basis, other than the acknowledgement of the independence of the Confederate States. To which he replied: I am for peace upon the basis of the acknowledgement of the Confederacy if it can be obtained, but if not, I am for peace on the best

terms I can get it short of subjugation.--[Sensation.]

Mr. Staples, said that he was not satisfied with the answer, and was proceeding, to address the House, but Mr. Atkins, of Tenn., objected on the ground that debate would be unprofitable, (with that exception, the consent of the House was unanimous,) and the subject was dropped.

Mr. Henly, of Florida, introduced a bill providing for the consolidation of regiments reduced below the legal standard. Referred.

Mr. Blandford--A bill to authorize persons who have been detailed on Government work to draw rations the same as soldiers. Referred.

Mr. Rodgers, of Florida--Bill supplementary to the act to reduce the currency, and authorize new issue of Treasury notes. Referred.

Also, by same, a bill to establish in the Trans-Mississippi Department an agency of the Bureau of Foreign Department. Referred and printed.

Mr. J. T. Leach, of North Carolina, introduced a resolution for the purpose of obtaining information as to the number of men furnished the army by each separate State in the Confederacy, and to ascertain the number now in service, the number that had been killed, wounded, &c.; also the number that had deserted from the army, and the State to which they belonged. Referred to Committee of Military Affairs.

Mr. Miles, of South Carolina--A bill to authorize the appointment of commissary for cavalry. Referred.

Mr. Swann, of Tennessee submitted a resolution that it was inexpedient to pass any act to relieve the $5 Treasury notes of the tax imposed, which he did with a view to allay all apprehensions or expectations as to what the House would do with the currency; which was passed — ayes 67; nays 8. [Thus settling the question in regard to the expectation of some that Congress would place them on a basis with the new issue.]

Mr. Sexton, of Louisiana, submitted joint resolutions of thanks to the Texas Brigade, Army of Northern Virginia.

Mr. Russell, of Virginia, introduced a bill to provide means for the needful expenditure of Government without increasing the amount of Treasury notes. Referred.

He also introduced a bill to exempt from military services of the Confederacy such State officers as are exempt from such service by State law. Referred.

A number of bills of minor importance were presented and appropriately referred.

At 2 P. M., House adjourned to meet to-day, 12 M., in the hall of the House of Delegates.

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Sexton (1)
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Joseph Finnegan (1)
Duncan (1)
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