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Murder by the Yankees.

--The Petersburg Express contains a notice of a murder by the negro troops on the Peninsula:

On Monday last a party of negro Yankee cavalry committed a most diabolical murder in Charles City county, Va. The victim was Mr. J. L. Wilcox, residing thirteen miles from the Court-House, on the Lower Chickahominy. The negroes, under the direction of a white officer, first burned his dwelling, out-houses, and everything upon the place. Mr. Wilcox was standing in the yard looking on the ruins of his home, when one of the negro cavalrymen ordered him to "march." Mr. Wilcox refused. The negro called to the white officer to know what he should do, as Mr. W was resisting. The officer replied shoot him, where upon, one of the negro guard fired and shot him through the head, below the left ear, and as he was falling another fired and shot him through the right arm and side. Mr. W died instantly.

It is said that the Yankees have also certainly hung Robt Ely, a painter, living in Charles City.

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