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Another Collision in Illinois

--Northern papers give accounts of a bloody affray that took place in Egypt, Illinois, between two soldiers and copperheads. It seems a squad of fifteen soldiers of an Illinois regiment proceeded to a place four miles south of Xenta, Clay county, Illinois, for the purpose of arresting some deserters of their regiment. At a lonely spot on the road, and in the darkness of the night, they were ambushed by the copperhead friends of the deserters, in overwhelming numbers. Over half of the soldiers were shot, some fatally, and the remainder were obliged to return to Xenta. The greatest excitement, consequent upon the affair, prevails in that section of the country. The anti-war party grows stronger every day, and eventually it will burst out furiously against the present monstrous administration at Washington.

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Illinois (Illinois, United States) (1)
Egypt Station (Mississippi, United States) (1)
Clay County (Illinois, United States) (1)
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