the Army Committee of the Young men's Christian Association and Ladies's Soldiers' Aid Society acknowledge the receipt of the following contributions and supplies for the month of June, viz: Lt R H Strother, commanding co a, 19th Va reg't, 2 bushels meal, peas and bacon; a J Bowers, I bbl flour; Charlotte C H Soldiers' Aid Society, 2 boxes hospital supplies; W M Warkins, Mossingford, 20½ bushels corn; Angus & Beverly, 50 lbs rice; Miss S Harrison, Harrison, Halifax, 10 pairs socks; W W Hobson, I bbl flour; Ladies of Prince Edward C H, bandages, Hut, old clothes, wines, rice, vegetables, & c; a Cuthbert, ½ bushel meal; Rill Manry, I bbl flour; Mrs Vass, $10; Mrs Pattle 8 Jones, 25;--,per D W Shanks, 35; G R Rarrett, 300; W a Jenkins, 10; Dr O Fairfax, 20; Jno Riley's legacy, per Capt E Cocke, 450; P V Daniel, per J D K S, 15; a Kentuckian, per do. 30, cash, per do, 10; Lomax B Smith, (in gold,) 2 50; Miss Maria Curds, 20; Franklin Smith, of Canton, Miss, 100; "Warcia, " a private soldier, 2; J W Randolph, 50; friends in Warrenton, per W R Smith, 615; citizens of Montgomery county, 620; Mr Ellis, of Gen Pickett's division, 2; F Smith, 18; W, 50; Mrs Dr Jas McCaw, 30; Dr R N Hudson, 100; Rd C Cabell, 20; cash per P C N, 10; Dr Stilles's 115; M--,100; a lady, 50; Col a --, 50; a friend in Halifax, N C, 60; a friend, per J D K S, 50; an ordnance officer, 20; J R Nunn, of Rockingham, 50; a B Gwathmey, 100; Prof Smend, 10. the Army Committee have resolved a contribution of one day's rations, for the benefit of the poor of this city, from the following companies and regiments of Gen Lee's Army:
- From the 57th Va regiment, Barton's brigade, per Dr C E Lippitt.
- From the 26th Miss regiment, Davis's brigade, per Joseph Mayo, Esq, Mayor.
- From companies B, F, and G, 3d Va regiment, Kemper's brigade, per Serg't R G Blackwell.
- From the Letcher and Crenshaw batteries, of Lieut Col W J Pegram's battalion. (The other batteries of Pegram's battalion desire to make a similar contribution)
- From the 30th Va regiment of infantry, Corse's brigade, Pickett's division.
- From the 1st, 7th, and 11th Tenn and 13th Ala regiments, of Archer's brigade.
- From the 40th, 47th, and 55th Va regiments and 22d Va battalion; of Walker's brigade.
- From Gen C A Evans's Brigade.
- From 1st regiment, 2d, 5th and 6th Rifles, and Palmetto Sharpshooters, of S C Volunteers, Jenkins's Brigade, per Jos Mayo, Esq, Mayor.
- From 15th Alabama regiment, Col W C Cates, per J P Hill, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 8th and 20th South Carolina regiments, Kershaw's Brigade, per Maj Jos Kennedy.
- From 18th Virginia regiment, Hunton's Brigade, per C E Daugherty, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 17th Virginia regiment, Corse's Brigade, per T L Chase, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 19th Virginia regiment, Hunton's Brigade.
- From 57th Virginia regiment, Barton's Brigade.
- From 1st Regiment Virginia Artillery.
- From 9th and 28th Virginia regiments, of Barton's Brigade, per M G Blackwell, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 11th Virginia regiment, per E P White, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 1st Virginia regiment, per J C Jennings, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 29th Virginia regiment, per J E Fuller, Commissary Sergeant.
- From 8th Virginia infantry, per Sergeant A Stevenson.
- From 28th Virginia regiment, per Rev Peter Tinsley, Chaplain.
- From Gen Pegram's Brigade, per Joseph Maye, E q Mayer.
- From Fauquier Artillery, Capt Marshall, per Jno W Cable.
- From the "Stonewall" Brigade, composed of the 2d, 4th, 5th, 27th and 33d Virginia regiments.
- From 1st Virginia battalion of infantry and dismounted cavalry, per Capt Lynham.
- From 1st company Richmond Howitzers, Cabell's battalion, per Sergeant R W Wyatt.
- From Wolfolk's and Taylor's batteries, of Huger's battalion, per Sergeant Wyatt.
- From the 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and 59th Georgia regiments, of Gen Anderson's Brigade, per Mayer John Hockenball, Com.
- From the companies of Capts Richmond, Utterbach and Wyatt, of Poague's artillery battalion, per Sergeant Barnett.
Wm P
Chairman of the Army Committee.
Chairman of the Army Committee.