Two hundred dollars reward will be paid for the delivery of my two Negro Men, Tom and Charles. Tom is gingerbread color; eighteen years old; about five feet six or eight inches high; walks very lame in his left leg, caused by disease in the hip; was purchased about twenty months ago in Richmond, and brought from North Carolina, and has a Wister living on Union Hill. Charles is black; about fifty years old; five feet eight or ten inches high, and very near — sighted; was purchased of Peter Lawson, of Richmond, about eighteen months ago; he has a wife at Mr. Millers, near J. B. Bragg's mill. Both are believed to be in the neighborhood of Richmond. The above reward will be paid for their delivery to me of secured in jail, or one hundred dollars for either of them. Tom left home last fall, Charles on the 16th inquiry.
B. F. Dickinson. au 18--2t*