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The War News.

The news from Petersburg yesterday sent a thrill of pleasure through our community, not only on account of the achievement announced, but because it gave an assurance that the Yankees were not to be permitted quietly to hold their position on the Weldon railroad, and that our Generals are losing no opportunity to annoy and inflict damage upon them. In accordance with a plan decided upon by our Commanding General, a sufficient force of troops, under General A. P. Hill, was sent around the enemy's left to a position in his rear. The movement was not discovered by the enemy, and a point was gained about two miles below Reams's station and twelve from Petersburg, where preparations were made for an attack. The Yankees, intently watching their front, which they had strongly fortified, seemed to be entirely unconscious of the mischief brewing in their rear, and our forces having gained an eligible position, made the attack about five o'clock on Thursday afternoon. The movement was a complete success. For two hours the battle raged fiercely, but the enemy was finally forced back and dislodged with a loss of from fifteen hundred to two thousand prisoners, nine pieces of artillery, twelve commissary wagons, and a large number killed and wounded. It is reported that the Yankee Colonel Speer, of raiding notoriety, is among the captured. Our loss in this affair is not heavy, and we learn that our Commanding General is perfectly satisfied with the result.

Passengers by the Petersburg train last evening report that we captured over two thousand prisoners. It was a complete flank movement and executed with consummate skill. The fighting was severe for the time it lasted, but we have the reiterated assurance that our loss is not large, while that of the enemy is heavy. Among the wounded are Brigadier-General Anderson, of Georgia, and Major Marshall, of Fauquier county, Virginia--neither of them dangerously.

The following official dispatch from General Lee, received last evening at the War Department, gives further details of our brilliant victory:

"Headquarters army Northern Virginia,

"August 26, 1864.
"Hon. J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War:
"General A. P. Hill attacked the enemy in his entrenchments at Reams's station yesterday evening, and at the second assault carried his entire line.

"Cook's and McRae's North Carolina brigades, under General Heth, and Lane's North Carolina brigade, of Wilcox's division, under General Connor, with Pegram's artillery, composed the assaulting party.

"One line of breastworks was carried by the cavalry under General Hampton with great gallantry, who contributed largely to the success of the day.

"Seven stands of colors, two thousand prisoners and nine pieces of artillery are in our possession.

"The loss of the enemy in killed and wounded is reported to be heavy — ours relatively small.

"Our profound gratitude is due to the Giver of All Victory, and our thanks to the brave men and officers engaged.

The fight was not renewed yesterday. Everything was quiet when the train left.

For two or three days past the enemy has been shifting heavy bodies of troops from the right around to the left of his lines, as if in anticipation of some movement on the part of the Confederate forces; but it seems he was caught napping after all. Bodies of troops have not only been transferred from the lines south of the Appomattox, but also from Butler's command in Chesterfield county.

On Thursday afternoon the Yankee batteries on the river resumed their shelling, and for about an hour threw their destructive missiles into Petersburg quite rapidly. Some damage was done to private property, but no personal injury is reported.

Meanwhile our cavalry are not idle. A spirited engagement took place on Tuesday afternoon at Tillotson's farm, on our extreme right, about ten miles distant from Petersburg. Our pickets were driven in at that point by the enemy's cavalry, in large force, when an engagement ensued, in which the enemy was driven back with considerable loss. It was in this affair that Lieutenant-Colonel Robert A. Caskie, of the Tenth Virginia cavalry, was wounded, as before reported. Rumors are current of a sharp cavalry engagement on Thursday, near Colonel Wyatt's farm, four miles from Petersburg, in which the enemy was defeated with serious loss. These reports lack confirmation.

The train last evening brought over fifty-nine prisoners, captured by General Pickett's command, near Bermuda Hundred, on Thursday. There were also two deserters, who came in to claim the privileges guaranteed in General Orders No. 65. The affair in which these men were captured was the one which we yesterday located near Chester station. Its object was only to feel the enemy's strength, which was satisfactorily accomplished, the Yankees being found in considerable force behind their works. Our loss was about thirty. The lines of battle were not engaged.

It is stated that the Yankee Commanding General has established his headquarters at the Yellow Tavern, six miles from Petersburg, and about the centre of the fortified position on the Weldon railroad.

From York river.

We have a report that the enemy, who lately evacuated Gloucester Point has again appeared there in considerable force. The object of this movement is probably to rob the defenceless people of Gloucester, who have heretofore been subjected to all manner of outrage at the hands of the Yankees.

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R. E. Lee (2)
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Pickett (1)
Pegram (1)
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Marshall (1)
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Butler (1)
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