The war news.
Passengers from Petersburg inform us that with the exception of some shelling and the usual picket firing, nothing occurred yesterday worthy of notice. Grant and Meade, having sent off their lying bulletins in regard to the engagement at Reams's station, seem to be quietly reflecting upon the effect they will have upon the Northern mind in general and the Chicago Convention in particular. There are, however, rumors of important movements on the part of the enemy, which, though we place little faith in them, it may be proper to notice. In the first place, the report is renewed that the enemy has withdrawn from the Weldon railroad; but that "woft-told tale" has been so frequently exploded that we give it no consideration whatever.--Nevertheless, since the rumor gained some credence in camp, scouts were sent out to ascertain the enemy's position; but the result of their observations has not yet transpired. We venture the prediction, however, that they found the situation unchanged. It is true that Grant derives no advantage from occupying and holding the railroad, but then he has convinced all Yankeedom that it was the most magnificent strategic movement of the campaign, and it would not be safe for his reputation to undeceive the people by abandoning his position in a hurry.--Hence, we believe that he still holds the road in force, and means to remain there — if he can. Another report is that Grant is moving troops to the right, either with the intention of reinforcing Butler or of making another feint on the north side of the James. This may be true; but the manœuvre last named has already been repeated several times, and the attempts of the enemy to deceive our commanding general have proved as futile as his efforts to capture Richmond, and so will they prove in the future. It is further reported that a raiding party has started from Grant's army through Dinwiddie county, and have reached the vicinity of the Court-house. Not much confidence is placed in this report, though we need not be surprised to hear of such an enterprise being set on foot by the enemy at any time. Doubtless our authorities are fully prepared to meet and repel any movement of this nature. On Wednesday morning (says the Express) a dismounted detachment of Colonel Griffin's Eighth Georgia cavalry regiment, Dearing's brigade, charged the enemy's outposts, near Davis's house, on the Weldon railroad, captured five prisoners belonging to Warren's Fifty army corps, killed two and drove the rest — some one hundred and fifty--in a perfect stampede, nearly half a mile back to their supports. We did not lose a man in this skirmish. This movement developed the fact that the enemy had two signal stations in the tops of two large pines, from which they could very plainly observe any changes in the disposition of our troops.Official report of the battle of Reams's station, on the 25th ultimo.
The following is General A. P. Hill's official report of the battle fought at Reams's station, on the Weldon railroad, on yesterday week: "Headquarters Third Corps, "August 31, 1864.
I have the honor to report the correct list of results in the fight of the 25th at Reams's station.
We captured twelve stands of colors, nine pieces of artillery, ten caissons, twenty- one hundred and fifty prisoners, thirty-one hundred stands of small arms and thirty-two horses.
"My own loss in cavalry, artillery and infantry is seven hundred and twenty men-killed, wounded and missing. "Colonel:
Very respectfully,
"A. P. Hill, Lieutenant-General.
"Colonel W. H. Taylor,
"Assistant Adjutant-General."
"A. P. Hill, Lieutenant-General.
"Colonel W. H. Taylor,
"Assistant Adjutant-General."