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Arrest of R. D'orsay Ogden.

--Very much to the surprise of every one present, R. D'Orsay Ogden, the late manager of the Richmond Theatre, who escaped from this city some weeks since, was brought in to the chief of police last night about half-past 8 o'clock. He was arrested in the county of King George, at the house of Mr. Fielding Lewis, where he had been invited to dine. The name of his captor is John Taylor, a young soldier from that section, under whose cert Ogden was brought to this city. It turns out that the "manager, author and actor" never succeeded in reaching the city of New York, as reported in one of the papers there; but that he has been most of the time in King George, lying low and watching his chance to go over. He denie, however, that he ever intended leaving the Confederacy. When carried before Captain Thomas W. Doswen, assistant provost-marshal, last night, Ogden was very axious to give bad for his appearance; but that officer refused to grant the request and sent him to Castle .

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