The condition of Georgia.
From the annual report of the
State Comptroller of
Georgia we gather some interesting statistics relative to the condition of what has been called the "Empire State" of the
The returns are from one hundred and eight counties five being left out in consequence of their being held by the enemy.
The average value of the land for this year is placed at $10.95 per acre, about double the value at which it was estimated in 1863; and the total value of all property shows an increase of 91 per cent over the old estimate.
The number of slaves in the
State has increased 15,198, and the whites about 7,000.
The decrease in the number of polls is 13,101; professions, 50; in the number of acres of land, 2,916,292; of children, 6,034--between the ages of twelve and fifteen, 215.
Slaves have been returned at an increased value of about 100 per cent; land at 31 per cent; city and town property at 82 per cent; merchandise at 90 per cent.
The decrease in the number of polls and professions, &c., is no doubt caused by persons going into the army, all of whom owning less than $1,000 not being taxable.
The receipts into the treasury for the fiscal year amounted to $15,434,532, and the disbursements to within $2,146,087 of that amount.
The estimated expenditures and receipts for 1863 will increase this balance to $6,109,425. The public debt of the
State is $28,980,692 --about $9,000,000 of which comes under the head of war debt.
The liabilities and assets of the banks have been curtailed about $30,000,000 since last year.
The number of sheep returned in the
State is 447,965; killed by dogs, 31,046.
Number of dogs, 81,423.
Allowing three pounds of wool to the sheep, we make a loss of 93,138 pounds of wool.