Terms, etc.
The reader will discover, by reference to the terms of this paper, that the rates of subscription and advertising have been advanced.
These increased charges are forced upon us, and the press generally, by the extraordinary price of everything which goes to make up a newspaper.
In no other way can a journal live.
To attempt to adhere to former rates in the face of the fabulously high charges to which the business of newspaper publishing is subjected, would be fatal.
A necessity so palpable to all needs no further excuse or palliation.
We have, since the war, encountered difficulties and embarrassments of so serious a character as to make the business of journalism exceedingly disagreeable.
We have endeavored to overcome them in the best manner, and have lately succeeded in presenting the reader with a sheet enlarged and greatly improved.
Should no untoward and unexpected event occur, we shall continue to print this enlarged sheet, in its legible typography, until the war is ended.