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General Assembly of Virginia.


Tuesday, December 12, 1865.
The Senate met at the usual hour, Lieutenant-Governor Cowper in the chair. Prayer by Rev. O. S. Barten, of Christ Church, Norfolk.

A bill was received from the House of Delegates to authorize the County Court of Fauquier to borrow money for county purposes. Referred to Committee on General Laws.

By Mr. Kello, of Southampton:

"resolved, That the Governor be requested to inform the Senate what steps are necessary to procure arms for militia purposes." Passed.

By Mr. Trout, of Augusta:

"Resolved, That the Committee on Public Institutions inquire into the expediency of making a special appropriation to discharge the outstanding liabilities of the Western Lunatic Asylum." Passed.

Also, a resolution that the same committee inquire into the expediency of authorizing the Directors of the Western Lunatic Asylum to dispense with the office of Treasurer. Passed.

By Mr. Cabell, of Nelson:

"Resolved, That the Committee on General Laws be instructed to inquire into the necessary legislation to secure to Virginia the lands donated by the United States Congress on the 2d July, 1862, to the States for educational purposes." Passed.

By Mr. Meade, of Frederick:

"Resolved, That the Committee on Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the expediency of amending the sixth section of the act passed January, 1865, entitled 'an act staying the collection of certain debts.'" Passed.

By Mr. Strother, of Culpeper:

"Resolved, That so much of the Governor's message as relates to railroads be referred to the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation, and that they inquire into the expediency of selling the interest of the State in said railroads." Passed.

The bill adthorizing the Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Company to borrow money was taken up and read a third time. The ayes and noes were ordered, and a lengthy debate ensued, in which Messrs. Russell, Gilmer and Bolling took active part.

The bill was passed almost unanimously, Mr. Carter only voting against it.

On motion of Mr. Coleman, of Louisa, a bill to authorize the Central Railroad Company to borrow three hundred thousand dollars was taken up, read twice and ordered to be engrossed.

On motion of Mr. Gilmer, of Richmond, an act to increase the capital stock of the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company was taken up and passed.

A bill to incorporate the Virginia Insurance Company was read twice and ordered to be engrossed.

Mr. Bolling, from Select Committee to wait on the Governor in reference to dispensing with the offices of Second Auditor and Register of the Land Office, reported in writing as follows. The Governor says:

‘ "I am of opinion that there is no necessity for the office of Second Auditor. The whole business of that office belongs properly to that of the Auditor, in my opinion.

’ "I think that the office of Secretary of the Land Office might be put under the Secretary of the Commonwealth, with authority to employ a chief clerk."

Referred to a joint committee.

Joint resolution (communicated from the House) that when the Legislature adjourns on the 21st instant that it adjourn to meet on the 3d January, 1866.

Senate adjourned.

House of Delegates.

The House met at twelve o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Jeter, of the Baptist Church.

Mr. Wood, from the Committee on the Penitentiary, reported a bill amending and re-enacting chapter two hundred and thirteen of the Code of Virginia, reorganizing the penitentiary, which was ordered to be printed.

Mr. Garnett, from the Committee on Propositions and Grievances, to whom had been referred the resolution relative to the removal of freedmen from the York Peninsula, reported the same back with the request that it be referred to the joint committee to confer with the Superintendent of the Freedmen's Bureau. The resolution was so disposed of.

The following bills were considered and passed:

A bill to incorporate the Virginia Insurance Company.

A bill to incorporate the Virginia State Insurance Company.

A bill to incorporate the Belvidere Manufacturing Company.

The bill incorporating the Lynchburg Mining and Manufacturing Company in the counties of Campbell, Amherst and Bedford.

Mr. Watkins, from the Committee on Schools and Colleges, made a report, asking that five hundred copies of the act of Congress entitled "an act donating public lands to the several States and Territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agricultural and mechanic arts," approved July 2, 1862, be printed for the use of the House. The report was adopted.

By Mr. Gibbony.--A resolution that the House, with the concurrence of the Senate, will, on Thursday the 14th instant, at one P. M., proceed to elect a Public Printer, Superintendent of the Penitentiary, and Penitentiary Storekeeper, which, being objected to, was laid over.

The resolution of Mr. Langhorne relative to the hour of meeting and the reduction of the pay of members was considered and again laid on the table.

By Mr. Garnett.--A resolution that when this House adjourn on Thursday, the 21st instant, it will, with the consent of the Senate, adjourn until twelve o'clock on Wednesday, the 3d day of January, 1866. The resolution was agreed to.

By Mr. Pate.--A resolution that the Committee on Agriculture be instructed to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to prohibit the distillation of grain within this Commonwealth. Agreed to.

By Mr. Townes, of Mecklenburg.--A resolution that the Committee on Courts of Justice inquire into the expediency of creating some tribunal for the purpose of deciding, in a summary way, on all contracts made during the war, so as to reach the justice and right of each case; or, if it is deemed better, to confer on courts of the State already in existence full power and authority to do the same, and report by bill or otherwise.

By Mr. Dunnington.--A resolution of inquiry into the expediency of directing the Librarian to procure and file, and have bound for reference, copies of all the newspapers of this and other cities of the Commonwealth, and one, at least; of such semi-weekly or weekly newspapers as may be published in counties where there are no daily papers. Agreed to.

By Mr. Woodson.--A resolution that the Committee on Finance inquire into the expediency of reporting the bill releasing the taxes anterior to the year 1865 which now remain unpaid, and providing some mode for the settlement of the accounts of sheriffs and clerks in regard to their official transactions in the year 1861 and subsequent thereto.

By Mr. Gibboney.--A resolution that the Committee for Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the expediency of abolishing imprisonment in the penitentiary for a less term than five years, and to provide some other punishment in lieu thereof.

By Mr. Seawell.--A resolution that the Committee on Courts of Justice inquire into the expediency of providing by law for the regulation of contracts for manual labor, and the proper enforcement thereof, when such contracts are for a period of — days.--Agreed to.

By Mr. Jones.--A resolution, which was agreed to, that the Committee on Courts of Justice be instructed to inquire into the propriety of giving to persons with whom contracts for the performance of agricultural labor are made, a remedy for their enforcement similar to the specific performance of contracts in equity; annexing penalties; also, for their violation, and of giving jurisdiction in all such cases to single justices of the peace by a summary proceeding, and to report by bill or otherwise.

On motion of Mr. Gibboney, of Wythe, the House, at 1 o'clock P. M., adjourned.

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Trout (1)
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Strother (1)
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