Southern Representation — the latest news from Washington.
We had prepared for yesterday's paper an interesting
resume of the opinions and speculations current in
Washington city on this subject, but the article was unfortunately omitted.
We allude to it now merely as affording us a reason for stating to-day that
Senator Doolittle, of
Hon. H. J. Raymond, of New York city,
Mr. Seward's right- hand man, and
Horace Greeley, all of them great lights of the Republican party, seem to be strongly disposed to sustain the
President in his reconstruction policy, and that the Conservatives are flushed with the hope that the consequence must be either the admission of the
Southern members who can take the oath or a disruption of the Radical party; for it is certain that such men must control many of less note.
Below we give all the paragraphs from our latest exchanges which are calculated to throw any light upon the question.
The Baltimore
Sun's correspondence contains the following:
Thaddeus Stevens resolution proscribing eleven States of the
Union from any participation in the affairs of the
Union for an indefinite period of time met with vigorous opposition to-day in the Senate upon the proposition to amend the same, as agreed upon in caucus, so as to prevent the exclusion of representatives from such States.
Senator Doolittle argued that the passage of the resolution would accomplish what the people of the eleven late insurgent States, with an immense sacrifice of life, had failed to do — to dissolve the
The resolution was so amended as to leave each body at any time to admit members from any States not now represented.
"Whether the recent victory of the Conservatives in the Senate caucus shall turn to '
Dead Sea fruits' depends upon their own course.
They might be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
Under the last Administration, to say aught against its acts was treason, more or less.
But now men of the worst stamp in Congress must be tolerated in the most violent concerted schemes against
Andrew Johnson.
But imperturbable and persistent advocacy of right and reason must prevail.
Such, doubtless, will be the
President's course.
The slow and sure, in time, get on. The stake is too great for intemperate action.
Good men must be hopeful and firm.
"The Senate passed to-day the
House joint resolution for a committee of fifteen on reconstruction, just as it was agreed on in the Senatorial caucus on yesterday, and published in the
Sun this morning.
All of the
Democratic Senators voted against it, as well as two Republicans,
Messrs. Dixon, of
Connecticut, and
Doolittle, of
The latter, in a speech of considerable force, said the original
House resolution proposed to dissolve the
Union by law. The indications are decided that the
House will accept the modification of their resolution as agreed on in the Senate."
National Intelligencer says: "The action of Congress yesterday is of much interest, and its indications are rather hopeful that the sturdy blows aimed by
Mr. Stevens against the
President's policy will, in their reaction, prove useful in the accomplishment of the patriotic purposes of the
The speech of
Senator Doolittle is full of force and dignity.
It marches up to the points with power, moderation and decision.
It vindicates the
President and his policy in a manner worthy of the theme.
The portrait which the
honorable Senator draws of the rigid political features of the
Honorable Thaddeus Stevens is so true to the life that the best friends of that distinguished gentleman cannot be offended at the likeness.
"In the
House it is gratifying to note that the chains of caucus are slacking, if not breaking.
Hon. Henry J. Raymond expressed himself as
personally in favor of referring credentials to the
Committee om Elections; but that, "out of deference to the views of members, he would move their reference to the
Select Committee on the subject of the so-called
Confederate States." The subsequent action of the
House, under the previous question, however, indicates conclusively that the "Select Committee" is the pet of the majority; and yet we are not without hope, from the indications named, that the fair and open thing will prevail in some form."
Chronicle, Mr. Forney's paper, gives signs that it foresees the result desired by the Conservatives.
It says:
"We note these manifestations as bearing particularly upon the question of restoration, and as appropriate responses to the spirit of the
President's message, who gracefully referred to Congress the whole controversy involved in these particular applications for seats in the National Legislature.
That there is a strong prevailing anxiety to see good and true men from the
South in Congress, it did not need these indications to prove."