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An interesting case of corpus.

--Many of our citizens will remember one Captain Ralph Abe formerly of the United States reg service, who, on reaching Charleston from the North, in 1862, was arrested, brought to Richmond, and confined in Castle Thunder for some time. He was afterwards in our service, and was a witness in the case of Captain Deaton, who was executed here as a spy in 1864. Shortly after the evacuation of Richmond he was arrested in Baltimore as a spy. From the Baltimore Sun of yesterday we learn that he has been produced before the United States District Court of that city by writ of habeas corpus. General Woolley returned an answer to the writ to the effect that Abercrombie, having been arrested as a spy, and having given evidence which caused the execution of Captain Deaton, of the United States army, he was held for trial by a military commission. The counsel for the accused contended that, as the war was over, the case could only be tried by a civil tribunal. Judge Giles, in view of the importance of the case, reserved his decision for yesterday. Abercrombie claims to hail from Baltimore.

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