
Southern Baptist Convention.

--At the time the war commenced the Foreign Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, located in this city, had about thirty-five Missionaries laboring among the heathen. This number has been greatly reduced in consequence of the difficulty of transmitting funds during the terrible conflicts of the country. The Board have not, however, abandoned their work, but have been able, to some extent, and in different ways, to forward remittances and to keep up their most important missions. They now begin a new series of endeavors in this line, and are hoping gradually to reinforce their stations in China and Africa.

The Domestic Mission Board, located in Marion, Ala., have kept in the field all through the war more than one hundred Missionaries, and now they propose with new vigor to prosecute their great work.

We have already referred to the fact that a called meeting of the Convention will be held at Russellville, Ky., on the Tuesday before the fourth Sunday in May next. The introductory sermon will be preached by Rev. William T. Brantly, D. D., of Augusta, Ga.; alternate, Rev. J. T. Tickenor, D. D., Alabama.

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