Collection: Athens, Acropolis Museum
Title: Part of figure 130 from slab 13 of the Parthenon, North Frieze
Context: From Athens, Acropolis
Findspot: Found at Athens
Summary: Head of a rider and the following horse
Sculptor: Attributed to the workshop of Pheidias
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Architectural
Category: Separated fragments
Placement: Frieze
Style: High Classical
Technique: Medium relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: exact 442 BC - exact 438 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.17 m
Scale: Slightly under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: High Classical
In Whole: Parthenon Frieze

Condition: Single piece

Condition Description: A roughly triangular fragment preserving part of the upper edge of slab 13.

Material Description: Pentelic

Associated Building: Athens, Parthenon

Sources Used: Brouskari 1974, 144, fig. 291 (with previous bibliography)