Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Copy of Parthenon WP.F
Context: From Eleusis
Findspot: Found at Eleusis (in 1887-1888)
Summary: A female figure seated on a rock, probably a Kekropid (Herse?)
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Architectural
Category: Statuary group
Placement: Pediment
Style: High Classical
Technique: In-the-round
Original or Copy: Copy
Date: ca. 100 AD - ca. 150 AD
Dimensions: H. 0.41 m
Scale: Miniature
Region: Attica
Period: Late Hadrianic/Antonine
In Group: Eleusis Copies of the Parthenon West Pediment

Condition: Single piece

Sources Used: Karouzou 1968, 67