Relief of a running hoplite (Hoplitodromos stele)

Top left: relief of a running hoplite; top center: Finley Krater; top righ...

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Hoplitodromos stele (ca. 510 B.C.)

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Relief of a running hoplite
Context: From Athens
Findspot: Found near Athens, Theseion (1902?)
Summary: Relief of a running hoplite
Object Function: Funerary?
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Separated fragments
Style: Late Archaic
Technique: Low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 500 BC
Dimensions: H. (max) 1.02 m. Volutes: W. 0.725 m; Th. 0.085 m. Relief: W. (max. across relief) 0.75 m; W. (middle): 0.72 m; W. (top) 0.68 m; Th. 0.095 m. Base: Th. 0.15 m.
Scale: Under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: Late Archaic

Subject Description: A nude runner, perhaps a hoplite (as indicated by his Attic helmet), runs in the stylized "knielaufender" pose profile to the right, while his upper body is shown nearly frontal, and his head is turned profile to the left. His hair is ornamentally arranged in cord-like locks that emerge from beneath his helmet and cascade over his cheeks and shoulders, thicker tresses falling behind his back, and ringlets over his brow. He holds both clenched fists in front of his chest, with his thumbs pointing upwards.

Form & Style: The relief is wider at the bottom at the top, and is crowned by volutes, like those topping Ionic capitals. A plinth at the bottom of the relief serves as a base line for the runner.

Condition: Single piece

Condition Description: Broken in the lower right corner. Surface abraded. Edges chipped, particularly on the volute.

Material Description: Perhaps Parian marble (acc. Svoronos)

Sources Used: Karouzou 1968, 22-23, pl. 12; Svoronos 1903-12, 89-90, pl. 26