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Group of Women, detail of Carried Figure

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Group of Woman Carrying Companion, from right

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Group of Woman Carrying Companion

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Group of Woman Carrying Companion, from far left

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Group of Woman Carrying Companion, from left of center

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Group of Women, detail of Carried Figure

Collection: Athens, Agora Museum
Title: Two-figure group of young woman carrying companion
Context: From Athens, Agora
Findspot: Excavated at Athens, Agora
Summary: Young woman carrying companion on her back, as in a rescue
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Architectural
Category: Statuary group
Placement: Pediment, possibly East
Style: High Classical
Technique: In-the-round
Date: ca. 420 BC
Dimensions: Restored H. (of group) 1.32 m
Scale: Under life-size
Region: Attica
Period: High Classical

Subject Description: Striding female has linked her arms behind her in order to carry her companion on her back. The girl who is carried grasps her helper's shoulder. The pose resembles that of the ephedrismos, though that is a game played by boys. In this case the girls may be fleeing. Originally identified as an acroterial group by Thompson, Delivorrias judged it to be pedimental. Thompson later concurred (Agora Guide 1976) and suggested the east pediment of the Hephaisteion.

Form & Style: The marble and the style of carving are very close to the friezes of the Hephaisteion. Both figures are clothed in thin drapery, though care is taken to distinguish the different garments. The head originally associated with the group, which was found in a different location, probably does not belong.

Condition: Single fragment

Condition Description: A head originally associated probably does not belong. Extremely weathered.

Material Description: Parian Marble

Associated Building: Athens, Temple of Hephaistos

Sources Used: Shear 1937, 376-7; H.A. Thompson 1949b, 235-6, 241-3, 247-50; Harrison 1982a, 49 note 45; Agora XIV, 148; Danner 1989, 9l

Other Bibliography: Eckstein 1967, 81ff.; Delivorrias 1974, 33-40