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Fragment of a relief showing Asklepios

Top left: Fragment of a relief showing Asklepios and his daughters; Top Mi...

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Fragment of a relief showing Asklepios
Context: From Athens, Acropolis (S. Slope)
Findspot: Excavated at Athens, Acropolis, Asklepieion (South Slope)
Summary: Asklepios seated on a throne, with his head bowed
Object Function: Votive
Material: Marble?
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Separated fragments
Style: Late Classical
Technique: Low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 350 BC - ca. 300 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.14 m; W. 0.20 m
Scale: Miniature (pictorial field)
Region: Attica
Period: Late Classical/Hellenistic

Condition: Single piece

Condition Description: Single piece preserving part of the relief, without any border.

Associated Building: Athens, Asklepieion

Sources Used: Karouzou 1968, 145; Svoronos 1903-12, 279-80, pl. 34.3