Ares Borghese, detail of legs, from left of center

Ares Borghese, detail of legs, frontal view

Ares Borghese, torso and head, three-quarter view from left

Ares Borghese, view from back right

Ares Borghese, detail of head and shoulders from left

Ares Borghese, detail of legs from back right

Collection: Paris, Musée du Louvre
Title: Ares Borghese
Context: From Athens, Agora
Summary: Ares standing, nude with helmet
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Free-standing statue
Category: Original/copies
Style: High Classical
Technique: In-the-round
Original or Copy: Copy
Original: Ares Borghese type
Date: ca. 125 AD

H 2.11 m

Scale: Over life-size
Region: Attica
Period: Hadrianic

Subject Description: Ares represented as a youthful warrior, nude except for a close-fitting Attic helmet. Long locks of hair extend from beneath the rim of the helmet, over the neck and the cheeks. Beard growth on the lower cheeks is also evident. Ares stands on a square plinth, with his weight on his left leg, his right foot slightly advanced, looking down slightly to his right. A palm-tree support is behind his left leg, and a strut attaches his lowered right hand (at his side) to his right thigh. He holds his bent left arm, over which there is an attachment for his shield, at waist level.

Condition: Nearly complete

Condition Description:

Restored and reconstructed from many pieces. Now missing shield on left arm.

Sources Used: LIMC, sv Ares cat. 23 (Bruneau); Bruneau 1982, 177ff.; Ridgway 1981, 178ff.

Other Bibliography: Schuchhardt 1977, 33ff; Lorenz 1972, 49ff.; Freyer-Schauenburg 1962, 212ff..