Douris cup depicting Trojan scenes: drawing of the tondo, showing Neoptole...

Douris cup depicting Trojan scenes: drawing of side A, showing Ajax and Ac...

Douris cup depicting Trojan scenes: drawing of side B, showing the vote, w...

Douris cup depicting Trojan scenes: profile drawing of the foot, showing a...

Collection: Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum
Summary: The armor of Achilles. Interior: Odysseus and Neoptolemos; Side A: Ajax and Odysseus quarrelling; Side B: the vote.
Ware: Attic Red Figure
Painter: Signed by Douris
Potter: Signed by Python
Context: From Caere
Date: ca. 480 BC
Primary Citation: ARV2, 429, 26; FR pl. 54
Shape: Kylix
Beazley Number: 205070
Region: Etruria
Period: Late Archaic/Early Classical