100 Buildings whose Region is Attica

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Plan, Amphiaraion, Earlier Temple of Amphiaraios

Plan, Amphiaraion, Klepsydra

Water clock, Amphiaraion, Klepsydra

Southwest end from SW, Amphiaraion, Stoa

Plan, Amphiaraion, Stoa

Front of temple, Amphiaraion, Temple of Amphiaraios

Interior of temple from NE, Amphiaraion, Temple of Amphiaraios

Statue bases from W, Amphiaraion, Temple of Amphiaraios

Plan, Amphiaraion, Terrace of Dedications

Orchestra from SW, Amphiaraion, Theater

Scene from NW, Amphiaraion, Theater

South foundations of altar, from NW, Athens, Altar of the 12 Gods

Southeast corner of altar foundations, from N, Athens, Altar of the 12 Gods

Plan, ca. 460 BC (according to Bundgaard), Athens, Archaic Propylon

Plan (according to Dinsmoor), Athens, Archaic Propylon

Plan, Athens, Arsenal

Overall view of the Chalkotheke, from SW, Athens

Aerial view of Acropolis, from SW, Athens, Chalkotheke, Erechtheion,Temple...
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