309 Sculptures whose Category is Statuary group

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Funerary Lion from Attica, hindquarters in right profile

Funerary Lion from Attica, head and shoulders in right profile

Berlin Seated Woman from Miletus, frontal view

Berlin Seated Woman from Miletus, view from right

Ornithe of the Geneleos Group, torso from right

Ornithe of the Geneleos Group, detail of waist

Mourning Servant Girl 498, detail of lap and left hand, frontal view

Mourning Servant Girl 498, view from right

Mourning Servant Girl 499, torso and legs in near right profile

Mourning Servant Girl 499, detail of legs and feet

Helios Metope from Troy, detail of heads of quadriga

Helios Metope from Troy, detail of horses' heads

Didyma, Archaic Temple of Apollo, head from column relief (Sk 1748)

Elevation of front of temple, showing columns and entablature (sm.), Didym...
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