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George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 1,094 1,094 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 47 47 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 36 36 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 36 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 35 35 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 32 32 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 27 27 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 26 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 20 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 19 19 Browse Search
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untry between this point and St. John's Bluff, presented great difficulties in the transportation of troops, being intersected with impassable swamps and unfordable creeks, and presenting the alternative of a march — without land transportation — of nearly forty miles, to turn the head of the creek, or to reland up the river, at a strongly guarded position of the enemy. On further investigation of the locality, a landing was effected for the infantry, about two o'clock on the morning of the second, at a place known as Buck Horn Creek, between Pablo and Mount Pleasant Creeks, but owing to the swampy nature of the ground it was found impracticable to land the cavalry and artillery at that point. Here the gunboats rendered most valuable assistance by transporting the troops in their boats, and in sending their light howitzers to cover their landing. Col. T. H. Good, with the entire infantry and the marine howitzers, was ordered to proceed immediately to the head of Mount Pleasant Creek
Doc. 24.-the battle of Prairie Grove, Ark. Official report of General Blunt. headquarters army of the frontier, Rhea's Mills, Ark., Dec. 20, 1862. Major-General S. R. Curtis, Commanding Department of the Missouri: General: I have the honor to report that, on the second instant, and four days subsequent to the battle of Cane Hill, or Boston Mountain, of November twenty-eighth, I obtained reliable information that the entire force of infantry and artillery of Gen. Hindman's army had crossed the Arkansas River, and joined Gen. Marmaduke at Lee's Creek, fifteen miles north of Van Buren, to which point the latter had retreated after the battle of the twenty-eighth ultimo. I further learned that the united forces under Gen. Hindman's command numbered between twenty-five and thirty thousand men, and that he designed advancing upon me in case I did not attack him south of the mountains. Determined to hold my position at Cane Hill, unless driven from it by a superior force, I i
wer nor knowledge how to form their men in two ranks. On the second instant my brigade was ordered across the river to support Col. Grose, he brigade fell back to the new position taken by the army. On the second, when Hardee's corps made the desperate attempt to turn our left fll night in the open field, and until about one o'clock P. M. on the second, when I was ordered to the support of Gen. Crittenden's corps, on tinence. Here the regiment remained during the night. On the second instant, we threw up breast-works of rails and stone, behind which we lequent events. At about four o'clock in the afternoon of the second instant, after I had been placed in position by Capt. Mendenhall, on inervision. My skirmishers were thrown forward on the morning of the second, and through their vigilance I was enabled to report to you importalosed the second day of this bloody drama. On the morning of the second, the rebels opened terrific fire with cannon on the centre. A larg
our ablest commanders that a retrograde movement was going on. Our forces, greatly wearied and much reduced by heavy losses, were held ready to avail themselves of any change in the enemy's position ; but it was deemed unadvisable to assail him as there established. The whole day after these dispositions was passed without an important movement on either side, and was consumed by us in gleaning the battle-field, burying the dead and replenishing ammunition. At daylight on Friday, the second, orders to feel the enemy and ascertain his position were repeated, with the same result. The cavalry brigades of Wheeler and Wharton had returned during the night, greatly exhausted from long continued service, with but little rest or food to either man or horse. Both commanders reported the indications, from the enemy's movements, the same. Allowing them only a few hours to feed and rest, and sending the two detached regiments back to Pegram's brigade, Wharton was ordered to the right f
he expedition will be of great service to our cause in this department. The First brigade, under command of Colonel T. J. C. Amory, together with the artillery, cavalry and wagon-train, were marched from this point across the country to Washington; the balance of my forces, including the Second brigade, Colonel Stevenson, and the Third brigade, Colonel Lee, were embarked on transports, and landed at Washington, where they were joined by Colonel Amory's command on Saturday evening, the second instant. On Sunday, the third, all the forces, including artillery, left Washington, under my command, for Williamston. On the evening of the same day we encountered the enemy, posted in a strong position at a small creek called Little Creek. I immediately ordered Col. Stevenson, commanding the Second brigade, who was then in the advance, to make all haste in driving them from the opposite side of the creek, and push on at once. The engagement lasted one hour, when the enemy being driven f
cross the river I pressed forward to the front, and to my surprise found the whole column halted at six o'clock A. M., six miles from the bridge which they had left at eleven o'clock the previous night. The apology for such a direct violation of orders by the cavalry was that a citizen had told them that Morgan had left Columbia at eight o'clock the previous night, and that their horses were worn down. The infantry and artillery were moved forward and reached Columbia about noon on the second instant, when, learning that the Cumberland was certainly fordable, I abandoned the pursuit and ordered my men into camp. Soon after going into camp General Fry arrived and assumed command of all the troops in the vicinity of Columbia, and ordered the pursuit to be resumed, which order was countermarnded at a point three miles beyond Columbia. The result of these operations was the capture of about one hundred and fifty prisoners, a number of horses and trappings, some arms, two caissons, and
Doc. 59.-surrender of Winchester, Va. camp of Second division Twelfth army corps, Bolivar Heights, Va., Dec. 7, 1862. Another successful reconnoissance was made from this place on the morning of the second instant, (Tuesday.) Our force consisted of three thousand infantry from the three brigades of the division, twelve pieces of artillery, four pieces respectively from Knapp's, Hampton's, and McGilvery's batteries, and one company of the first battalion Indiana cavalry, with one day's cooked rations in haversack, and five days rations carried in wagon. The column was formed by Gen. Geary in person, and moved at half-past 6 A. M., out the Charleston and Winchester turnpike. About half-past 8 A. M. we reached Charleston, where we unexpectedly encountered a company of rebel cavalry. A brisk skirmish ensued, in which the rebs were routed and made good time on a run toward Winchester. We advanced cautiously on toward Berryville, which we reached toward evening, and found a re
Reed rendered them every surgical aid, and, as well as possible, dressed their wounds to prepare them for the return journey to camp. The living gathered up the dead and placed them in the baggage-wagons, and bivouacked in the snow for the night. Next morning the wounded were started homeward on sleighs, in which they travelled as far as Farmington, where they were changed into carriages and wagons, and continued their journey homeward till they arrived at camp during the night of the second instant. On the evening of the fourth, Colonel Connor and the survivors of his command returned to their quarters, and so far ended their expedition. On Thursday, the fifth, fifteen of the dead were interred with military honors by the entire command, which attracted a large concourse of spectators from the city. At dress-parade on Sunday afternoon the following complimentary order was read to the troops: headquarters District Utah, camp Douglas, U. T., February 6, 1863. The Colo
Doc. 117.-fight at Mingo swamp, Mo. Missouri Democrat account. St. Louis, February 16, 1863. on the morning of the second of February, detachments from seven companies of the Twelfth were ordered to form a junction at Dallas, Missouri, on the night of the second instant, which was done by nine P. M. During the night small parties scoured the country south and west, as low down as Castor, which it was found impossible to ford just then. In the course of the morning our parties came in with a number of prisoners, and twenty saddles that had been concealed in the woods by the rebels. Being somewhat decayed, they were burned. At eight A. M. on the morning of the third instant, Major Reeder having learned that the enemy were in the neighborhood of Big Mingo, gave the order to fall in, determined by a forced march to surprise the rebels. When six miles from the ford, at Bolling's Mill, Adjutant Macklind was ordered forward, with twelve men, to try the ford and to secure any
Doc. 129.-battle of Genesis point, Ga. this action is also known as the bombardment of Fort McAllister. Baltimore American account. steamship Ericsson, Ossabaw Sound, mouth of Ogeechee River, March 4, 1863. we left Port Royal harbor again at noon on Monday, the second inst., in our splendid floating home, the steamship Ericsson, Captain Lowber, bound for the coast of Georgia, with instructions to report to Commandant Drayton, in Ossabaw Sound. Previous to leaving Port Royal, the whole fleet of iron-clads were in motion for the same destination. It was therefore just the place to which we were anxious to go, and had Admiral Du Pont consulted us as to our destination, Ossabaw Sound would have been the unanimous choice of Capt. Lowber and his little family party. It was a bright and beautiful day, and we enjoyed the trip along the coast immensely, the atmosphere being as warm as would be experienced in a sail on the Chesapeake in the month of June. On our way down w