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George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 1,094 1,094 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 47 47 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 5. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 36 36 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 36 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 4. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 35 35 Browse Search
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure) 32 32 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3. 27 27 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore) 26 26 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 20 20 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 19 19 Browse Search
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provide that persons paying three hundred dollars should be exempted during the time for which they were drafted, unless the enrolment should be exhausted. Mr. Holman, of Indiana, moved to amend so as to repeal the commutation provision. On the second, the debate was renewed by Mr. Schenck, Mr. Chandler, and Mr. Davis, of New-York, Mr. Anderson, of Kentucky, and Mr. W. J. Allen, of Illinois. The House, on the third, resumed the consideration of the bill, and Mr. Myers, and Mr. Williams, of Peania, were appointed managers. The Senate, on motion of Mr. Wilson, insisted on its amendments, agreed to a committee of conference, and Mr. Trumbull, Mr. Lane, of Indiana, and Mr. Van Winkle, of West-Virginia, were appointed managers. On the second, Mr. Trumbull, from the committee of conference, reported: That the House recede from its disagreement to the first amendment of the Senate, and agree to the same. That the Senate recede from its second amendment, being the proviso to the first
ts of the enemy, and laid over one day for stated muster. On the first of July we marched within two miles of this place, where we found portions of the army who had been in the battle of that day. At three o'clock on the morning of the second instant, we were ordered into position in the front, and about the centre of our line — just to the left of the town. The battle commenced at day-light, and raged with fury the entire day. We were under a severe artillery fire, but not actively engafence at the upper end of the town, which position we held till late in the evening, exposed to a galling fire from the enemy's sharpshooters, when the whole regiment was ordered out on picket, and performed that duty until two o'clock of the second instant, when we were relieved and took a position behind the rail fence, and one hundred and fifty paces farther to the right of the place we occupied before going out on picket. We remained in this position, exposed to the enemy's batteries and sh
nfederate surgeon, Doctor Rett, for medicine, which he has given me, but uniformly without success. My case now became quite bad, and on my reporting to him on Tuesday last for medicine, he frankly informed me he could do nothing for me, and said, furthermore, I would not live in the South, offering at the same time, if I would make application, to give his certificate and influence in my behalf. I accepted his kind offer, and made application, which was granted. I signed my parole September first, was placed inside of our lines, off Charleston, on the second; came here on the Wyoming last night at nine P. M., and now have the honor to report to you. The person for whom I am to try and effect an exchange is Captain Henry Boneau, captured in the blockade runner Ella Annie. I have the honor to remain, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Frank W. Sanborn, Acting Ensign, United States Navy. Rear-Admiral J. A. Dahlgren, Com'dg S. A. B. Squadron, Port Royal Harbor, S. C.
since that date. I left Hagerstown on the afternoon of the thirtieth ultimo, the earliest day my command could take the field in a proper condition for active service, intending the following morning to enter Virginia with two columns, (at Dam No. Four and at Williamsport,) to be united the same day at Hainesville, the location of the rebels. Owing to the danger and difficulty attending the fording at Dam No. Four, I placed all the force at Williamsport. My order of march for the second instant, is given in the accompanying circular. The advance crossed the Potomac at four A. M., all taking the main road to Martinsburg with the exception of Negley's brigade, which, about one mile from the ford, diverged to the right to meet the enemy, should he come from Hedgesville, to guard our right and to rejoin at Hainesville. About five miles from the ford the skirmishers in front and on the flank suddenly became engaged with the enemy posted in a clump of trees, at the same time thei
d, and were returning from an unsuccessful attempt to cross the river. They were all armed but one, and two of the party belonged to the rebel army. Their names were as follows: Theodore Dent, J. R. Bateman, J. I. Turner, B. Montgomery. Next day sent them under guard to Washington, accompanied by a Dr. Hardie, whom I arrested upon suspicion of harboring these men previous to crossing. They are all now comfortably situated at the Capitol Prison. Arrived at Port Tobacco the evening of the second, where we encamped for the night. Discovered nothing at this place of a suspicious character. The morning of the third visited Captain Kenyon, commanding squadron of Scott's Legion, at Chapel Point, about four miles below Port Tobacco. His whole force is stationed at this point, and he sends out parties into the surrounding country only upon receiving information that something of a treasonable nature is going on. He had lately made several captures of contraband goods, also some prison
as soon as practicable. The troops moved off in good spirits and order, prepared to give battle, if pursued, but no serious pursuit was attempted. Remaining in rear of — the Tuscumbia and its affluents, some six miles from Corinth, long enough to collect stragglers incident to new levies, my main forces resumed the march, and were concentrated on Baldwin, with rear guards left to hold the bridges across the Tuscumbia and tributaries, which were not drawn back until the evening of the second instant. Whilst at Rienzi, half way to Baldwin, I was informed that on the morning of the thirtieth ult. a detachment of the enemy's cavalry had penetrated to Booneville, eight miles south of Rienzi, and had captured and burned a railroad train of ammunition, baggage, and subsistence, delayed there forty-eight hours by some mismanagement. I regret to add that the enemy also burned the railroad depot, in which were, at the moment, a number of dead bodies, and at least four sick soldiers of t
of his lines. This order was repeated on the second; but by a misapprehension on the part of the on crosses the turnpike. The next morning, the second, my line of battle was re-formed along the hei the rear. About eleven o'clock, on the second instant, instructions were received from General Ln during the battle of Chancellorsville on the second and third instant, I have the honor to submit gade was not engaged during the evening of the second, and did not rejoin the division until next moisoners. Early on Saturday morning, the second instant, I was ordered to form my brigade on the letook the position on this day, (Saturday, the second,) and thus got possession of some of my woundes been on the march the entire night. The second instant, the brigade remained near Banks's Ford. lle. At an early hour on the morning of the second, Iverson's brigade was ordered to relieve Ramsworks beyond Chancellorsville. At sunset, second instant, we reached that part of the field which h
duty. I therefore respectfully request a full investigation of the matter as soon as the exigencies of the service will admit. I make this application now while awaiting orders, which I deem the most appropriate time; but I do not intend nor desire to press the matter upon the consideration of the Lieutenant-General until he can give it his attention without interfering with more important duties. The regard already shown me, in immediately assigning to me another command on the second instant, gives me the assurance that he will not deem it an intrusion to solicit an opportunity to vindicate the honor and reputation of a faithful soldier of the Union, who waits in silence under an unmerited injury, till such time as his superior shall be ready to give him a hearing. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, G. K. Warren, Major-General Volunteers. General Grant's reply. headquarters armies of the United States, Washington, May 6, 1865. To Major-General G. K. Warre
r of Beatty's position. About four o'clock on the evening of the second, a sudden and concentrated attack was made on the Third division, nhe request was made. Honor is due to such men. On the night of the second, General Hascall, with his division, and General Davis with his, caskirmishing constantly, and sometimes terrible cannonading. On the second, which we call a quiet day, until about four o'clock P. M., the Firllowing day. General Crittenden's wing was attacked in force on the second, and one of my brigades, Colonel Gibson's, was sent to reinforce thmishing with the enemy's pickets until late in the afternoon of the second, when I received orders from General Rosecrans to hasten to the sup division. This brigade distinguished itself on the evening of the second, in a desperate charge on the enemy. On the morning of the fifth, , this division was relieved and placed in reserve. On Friday, the second, Grose's brigade was ordered over the river to the left to support
tores on Waldon's Ridge, and, as the enemy threatened to cross his cavalry in heavy force, made preparations to receive him, and, failing to destroy him, to drive him up the valley beyond Pikeville, where he could be met by General Burnside. A battery and two regiments of infantry were placed opposite Chattanooga, and the enemy at that point annoyed and two of his boats disabled. I also established communication, by signal, between all the crossings near me and my headquarters. On the second, the enemy burned the Loudon Bridge, and Buckner's corps commenced moving slowly down the river, making strong demonstration upon its banks, as if to cross, at several places. They moved on Tyner's Station, reaching that point on the sixth and seventh, followed by a heavy cavalry force, that took the place of the infantry on the river as they were relieved, and, from their numbers, Colonel Minty reported that indication made it pretty certain that a crossing was about to be attempted. At