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George P. Rowell and Company's American Newspaper Directory, containing accurate lists of all the newspapers and periodicals published in the United States and territories, and the dominion of Canada, and British Colonies of North America., together with a description of the towns and cities in which they are published. (ed. George P. Rowell and company) 1,873 1,873 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 79 79 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 66 66 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 8. (ed. Frank Moore) 50 50 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore) 36 36 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 5. (ed. Frank Moore) 29 29 Browse Search
Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 11. (ed. Frank Moore) 28 28 Browse Search
Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 1 26 26 Browse Search
Admiral David D. Porter, The Naval History of the Civil War. 23 23 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 19 19 Browse Search
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he Tennessee and the Ohio. Fremont had previously ordered a movement in Missouri, which Grant was to superintend, and had directed the construction of Fort Holt on the Kentucky shore; but on the 2d of September, Grant arrived at Cairo, and on the 5th, heard of the advance of Polk, which had occurred the day before. He at once notified his commanding officer, as well as the Kentucky legislature at Frank. fort, and later in the same day, having received additional information, he telegraphed thim to send a force to assist in driving them into Arkansas. Grant accordingly sent Colonel Oglesby, on the night of the 3d, with four regiments (three thousand men), from Commerce, Missouri, towards Indian Ford, on the St. Francis river. On the 5th, however, Fremont telegraphed him that Polk, who commanded at Columbus, was sending reenforcements to Price, in southwest Missouri, by way of the Mississippi and White rivers. Fremont had a force at that time confronting Price, and it was of vita
time almost entirely under water, from the overflow of the Tennessee, the fort itself being completely surrounded; and the move. ments of both rebel and national troops were very much impeded. The rain, too, fell in torrents on the night of the 5th, and Grant having an insufficiency of transports, his steamers were obliged to return to Cairo, to bring up a part of his command. He did not, therefore, get his whole force ashore until eleven o'clock on the night of the 5th. The original plan with Fort Henry, and not only prevent further reenforcements , but all chance of the escape of either garrison. The rebels, however, perceived the impossibility of holding both works against such a force as had been brought from Cairo, and on the 5th, before Grant had completed his landing, they evacuated Fort Heiman. Ignorant of this withdrawal, Grant, the same night, ordered two brigades, under General C. F. Smith, to seize the heights on the western bank in the morning. The remainder of t
eport strength and position of your command? Grant replied on the 5th: Your dispatch of yesterday is just received. Troops will be sent uated the 4th of April, requesting Grant to remain at Savanna, on the 5th, as he would arrive there on that day. I shall be in Savanna myself divisions, said Buell; can I meet you there? Grant replied on the 5th: Your dispatch just received. I will be here to meet you to-morrow.ral Buell's official report states that he arrived at Savanna on the 5th, but Grant was not notified of this, and consequently had no suspicistaff; he was at W. H. L. Wallace's headquarters on the night of the 5th, and on the morning of the 6th. They at once put their commands into investigate the rumor of an attack, after Sherman's fight. On the 5th, he sent three dispatches to Halleck, reporting the skirmish of the ernand, and it is Sherman who is said to have been surprised. (See Appendix for Grant's correspondence with Halleck, on the 5th, entire.)
ut unfortunately was not followed up by Rosecrans, till the next day. The rebels, however, started off in haste and disorder immediately after the fight; and on the 5th, while in full retreat, were struck in flank, as Grant had planned, by Hurlbut and Ord, and the disaster was rendered final. This occurred early on the morning of the 5th, at the crossing of the Hatchie river, about ten miles from Corinth. The retreating force fell in with Ord's column, four thousand strong, just beyond Davis's bridge. The rebel advance got across the river without resistance, but was speedily driven back, and with loss; a battery of artillery and several hundred men wet, the latter, greatly disappointed at the delay, again issued peremptory orders to push on at once after the enemy. Rosecrans started out on the morning of the 5th, but was misinformed or misled, and took the road towards Chewalla, instead of that further south, by which the enemy had moved. After marching about eight miles o
rom Helena and Memphis on Vicksburg? With my present force it would not be prudent to go beyond Grenada, and attempt to hold present line of communication. On the 5th, he was at Oxford, twenty-eight miles beyond Holly Springs, with his cavalry at Coffeeville, only eighteen miles from Grenada. This whole advance was made without serious fighting, as the enemy fell back rapidly before any show of pursuit. On the 5th, he again suggested to Halleck: If the Helena troops were at my command, I think it would be practicable to send Sherman to take them and the Memphis forces south of the mouth of Yazoo river, and thus secure Vicksburg and the state of Mississipgrammes, but in each instance, Fortune overruled his arrangements and brought about her own conclusions, apparently resolved to dispose of her own favors. On the 5th of the month, in reply to Grant's suggestions, Halleck directed him not to attempt to hold the country south of the Tallahatchie, but to collect twenty-five thousan
directed to order four regiments of his command to Milliken's bend, with the utmost dispatch. Take them from the troops most convenient to transportation. On the 5th, Grant also ordered Hurlbut to send Lauman's division to Milliken's bend, to be forwarded to this army with as little delay as practicable. . . . Let them move by bthe Red river, to cooperate with Banks, and left orders with Captain Owens, the naval officer next in command, to obey the directions of Grant. Accordingly, on the 5th, Grant instructed Owens to place his flag-ship in the mouth of Black river, to watch any movement of the enemy in that direction. Leave Captain Murphy's vessel in was now concentrating with the main portion of the enemy, at Bovina station, on the Vicksburg and Jackson railroad. Hurlbut was to remain at Memphis, and, on the 5th, Grant sent detailed instructions to govern him during the campaign. I am ordering to you all the cavalry at Helena except two regiments. You can further strength
ght seem most desirable. On the 4th, Sherman was informed: The orders will be made as you suggest, the moment Vicksburg is ours. Ord and Steele have both been notified to move, the moment Vicksburg falls. I will let you know, the moment Pemberton's answer arrives. I have no suggestion or orders to give. I want you to drive Johnston out in your own way, and inflict on the enemy all the punishment you can. I will support you to the last man that can be spared. It was the night of the 5th, before all of Sherman's force reached the Big Black river. Bridges were constructed at once, and on the 6th, the troops were all across. On the 7th and 8th, they marched by separate roads to Clinton. The weather was intensely hot, the dust stifling, but the enemy made no serious opposition to their progress. Evidence accumulated at every step that Johnston, with four divisions of infantry, and a large cavalry and artillery force, was now falling back on Jackson. He reached that place on
on, of McPherson's corps, to be sent forward to report to Sherman. Delays were occasioned by the destruction of bridges across the Elk river, and long detours were made; for there was not time either to ferry, or to build new bridges; and, on the 5th, Grant again dispatched to Sherman: Leave Dodge's command (of Hurlbut's corps) at Athens, until further orders, and come with the remainder of your command to Stevenson, or until you receive other instructions. Again, on the 7th: The enemy have m 1st of November: Should the enemy break through below Kingston, move in force to Sparta and McMinnville, and hang on to him with all your force, and such as I can send you from Bridgeport and Stevenson, until he is beaten and turned back. On the 5th, Longstreet's movement having actually begun the day before, Grant said to Burnside: I will endeavor, from here, to bring the enemy back from your right flank as soon as possible. Should you discover him leaving, you should annoy him all you can
ired the bridge at Morgantown, and marched to Marysville; Howard constructing a bridge out of the rebel wagons left at Loudon, over which he crossed his men. On the 5th, all the heads of columns communicated, at Marysville, where Sherman received word from Burnside that Longstreet had raised the siege, and was in full retreat to Vi to Meridian, one hundred and fifty miles. Sherman left Vicksburg, on the 3d of February, with two columns under Hurlbut and McPherson; he reached Jackson on the 5th, after continuous skirmishing for eighteen miles, driving a force estimated at twelve thousand soldiers, under Loring and French. This command was marching to formback from Tunnel hill. On the 1st of February, it was learned that a whole division and a brigade had been sent from Johnston, in the direction of Mobile. On the 5th, Grant was back at Nashville; and, the next day, receiving reports that two divisions from Johnston had been sent to Longstreet, he directed Thomas to send at least