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House having returned it, the Senate, on the twelfth, reconsidered the vote on its passage. Mr. Wto the Committee on Military Affairs. On the twelfth, Mr. Wilson reported it back with an amendmenen unanimously passed. In the Senate, on the twelfth, the resolution was referred to the Military e appropriated by the several States. On the twelfth, it was considered and passed. The House, d to, and the bill, as amended, passed on the twelfth. On the same day, the House, on motion of MrBrowne, of Rhode Island, advocated it. On the twelfth, the consideration of the bill was resumed, aineteen; nays, sixteen. The Senate, on the twelfth, resumed the consideration of the bill, and o, of Indiana, advocated its repeal. On the twelfth, the Senate resumed the consideration of the eas, sixty-seven; nays, forty-four. On the twelfth, the House resumed the consideration of the bd without a division. In the House, on the twelfth, Mr. R. M. Clark, of New-York, moved to amend[5 more...]
ed his division at dawn on the morning of the twelfth, from his encampment near Yerby's, and relievmarched the division, on the night of the twelfth instant, to the vicinity of Hamilton's Crossing, mained with their guns. During Friday, the twelfth, the brigade remained under arms and in positslightly wounded. On Friday evening, the twelfth instant, the Second Georgia battalion, of my brigear Guineas Depot, on Friday morning, the twelfth instant, at daybreak. After reaching the battle-s battery was detached from my brigade on the twelfth, and was not under my orders during the engagks, beside their guns. The next morning, twelfth instant, the fog was again exceedingly heavy. Atnged during the eleventh and twelfth. On the twelfth, our infantry having evacuated the town, Captat our guns that night. On Friday, the twelfth instant, we engaged at various times in firing atuineas Depot at six o'clock A. M., on the twelfth instant, marched to Hamilton's Crossing, on the R[15 more...]
On July twenty-ninth the Passaic engaged Wagner, and on August thirty-first Moultrie. On September eighth the Passaic, (in a disabled condition,) Patapsco, Weehawken, and Nahant engaged Moultrie. I have the honor to be, Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, John A. Dahlgren, Rear-Admiral, commanding S. A. B. Squadron. Report of Commodore S. C. Rowan. United States steamer New Ironsides, off Morris Island, May 13, 1864. Sir: In obedience to your order of the twelfth instant, I enclose herewith a tabular statement of various actions of this ship with the rebel fortifications of Charleston harbor, and Have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, S. C. Rowan, Commodore, commanding. Rear-Admiral John A. Dahlgren, Commanding S. A. B. Squadron, Flag-Steamer Philad. Statement of firing by the United States steamer New Ironsides during her several engagements with the rebel fortifications in Charleston harbor. date.rounds fired
Doc. 35.-capture of the Chesapeake. Lieut.-Commander Nickels's report. United States Steamer Ella and Anna, Boston, December 23, 1863. Sir: In accordance with Commodore Montgomery's order of the ninth instant, to proceed to sea and cruise in search of the pirate Chesapeake, we got under way at twenty minutes to one P. M., on the tenth instant, and proceeded to sea. Arrived at Eastport, Maine, on the twelfth instant, at nine A. M., having encountered head winds and thick weather, and left on the same day at ten A. M., with news that the Chesapeake was in Margaret's Bay, N. S. Arrived off Cross Island, the entrance to Margaret's Bay, at six P. M., on the thirteenth. The weather being so thick we could not enter, and we attempted to lay in sight of the light; but, thicker weather coming on, and a heavy blow from the southward, we could not make the land until two P. M. on the fifteenth instant, to the eastward of our port. Finding it impossible to get into Margaret's Bay
s reconnoissance has been already made, and it is not now necessary that I should say more than that it was superbly made. When I arrived at Gordon's Mill, at half past 8 P. M., of the eleventh, the enemy's camp fires could be distinctly seen on the other side of the creek. Their light reflected over a wide section of the horizon, and extending upward on the heavens, told that the foe was present in considerable force. It was my intention to continue the pursuit early next morning, the twelfth, but till eiget o'clock A. M. the atmosphere was so loaded with haze, fog, and smoke, that it was difficult to see a hundred yards in advance. While I was waiting for the atmosphere to become sufficiently clear to continue the pursuit I received an order to remain at Gordon's Mill until the Corps commander arrived there with the other two divisions of the corps. This was done during the afternoon of the twelfth. My two brigades remained quiet during the thirteenth, enjoying much needed r
ded--one division having been sent to Ringgold. Upon learning the dispositions of the enemy from our cavalry commander in that direction, on the afternoon of the twelfth, Lieutenant-General Polk, commanding the advance forces, was directed in the following note: headquarters army of Tennessee, Lafayette, Ga., 6 P. M., Septemty-nine prisoners-being the skirmishers of Palmer's division — from within sight of the masses of the enemy. The second engagement with the energy was on the twelfth instant, near Leet's tan-yard, where we fought for two hours Wilder's lightning brigade of mounted infantry. My force engaged in this fight was the Sixth Georgia anden present during the day directing the movements, arrived. The next morning the enemy retired, and, following them, I skirmished heavily with their rear, on the twelfth and thirteenth instant, as far as the Lafayette road, near Leet's Tanyard. On the fourteenth, under orders from General Forrest, I returned to Ringgold, and re
he enemy's pickets with loss, and returned with one prisoner. On the eleventh there were indications that the attacking fleet was about to withdraw; and on the twelfth, at high water, the Ironsides crossed the bar and took up her position with the blockading fleet; and the monitors steamed and were towed to the southward, leavinduring the day, being engaged burying his dead and strengthening his position. Three monitors and three wooden gunboats engaged and bombarded the fort. On the twelfth, Brigadier-General Hagood took command of the positions on James Island. Brigadier-General Taliaferro was assigned to the command of the works on Morris Island. ed from his land batteries, Parrotts, and mortars, doing some damage to the bomb-proofs, but without inflicting any casualty on our side. On the morning of the twelfth, the enemy opened with two-hundred-pound Parrott shot and shell upon Fort Sumter from his batteries near the foot of Craig's Hill, on Morris Island, a distance of
ck Bridge, and not, as had been supposed, against Jackson. On the twelfth, the following was addressed to Major-General Stevenson: From infogone forward, will furnish all the information required. On the twelfth, the following telegram was sent to General Johnston: The enemy is up on the rear of General Loring's column. On the evening of the twelfth, I moved my headquarters to Bovina to be nearer the scene of activburg, and swimming across again opposite Vicksburg? Again, on the twelfth, I dispatched as follows: Courier Walker arrived this morning, wit him I had not at my disposal half the troops necessary. On the twelfth, I said to him, to take from Bragg a force which would make this aw. We cannot attack seriously without risking the army. On the twelfth, besides the shirmishing, there was a heavy cannonade from the batcouncil of war, and disapproved (as he states) by himself. On the twelfth, he wrote me that if he could collect force enough, Edwards' Depot
preparations for a forward movement should be made without further delay. In a letter, dated fourth of March, General Bragg desired me to have all things ready at the earliest practicable moment for the movement indicated. In replying, on the twelfth, I reminded him that the regulations of the War Department do not leave such preparations to commanders of troops, but to officers who receive their orders from Richmond. On the eighteenth, a letter was received from General Bragg, sketching was instructed to defend the place with those troops and Canty's. The usual skirmishing continued near Dalton. Rocky Face Mountain, and Snake Creek Gap, at its south end, completely covered for the enemy the operation of burning Dalton. On the 12th the Federal army, covered by the mountain, moved by Snake Creek Gap towards Resaca. Major-General Wheeler, with 2,200 of ours, attacked and defeated more than double that number of Federal cavalry near Varnell's Station. At night our artillery a
of Brigadier-General Heth with his force to Dublin depot rendered it unnecessary for me to proceed in that direction. But I ventured to suggest to that officer that a lateral movement, by me, cutting the line of the enemy's communication at Princeton, might assist him materially in clearing the country of the column which was endeavoring to penetrate to the railroad. General Heth approving the idea, I moved my whole force at once, via Saltville, towards this place, arriving here on the twelfth inst. I took the responsibility of ordering to the field some skeleton companies, just recruited, and intended to form part of a new regiment, authorized by an order of the Secretary of War, of ninth April, issued to Major McMahon, formerly General Floyd's Aide-de-camp. This corps, composed of seven companies, so called, did not number more than four hundred men, and none of them were trained at all. Under my order, they elected a lieutenant-colonel, for the time, only to lead them on this ex