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n the new campaign, and to be in readiness to cooperate with the force that should go across by land. On the 11th, troops under McClernand moved out three or four miles on the two roads leading to Fort Donelson, and early on the morning of the 12th, the main column, fifteen thousand strong, marched from Fort Henry, leaving a garrison of twenty-five hundred men; eight light batteries accompanied the expedition. Neither tents nor baggage was taken; there were but few wagons, and no rations sa ready for the attack which they foresaw was at hand; reenforcements were poured in, and Buckner, Pillow, and Floyd were successively sent to command, each ranking his predecessor, who remained to serve under the new superior. About noon of the 12th, the rebel pickets were met by Grant's advance, and rapidly driven in; and the fortifications were from this time gradually approached and surrounded, with occasional skirmishing. The first line was formed in open fields opposite the enemy's cent
not come in more rapidly, I will attack as I am. On the 10th, he got more restive, and inquired: Am I to understand that I lie here still, while an expedition is fitted out from Memphis, or do you want me to push as far south as possible? Am I to have Sherman subject to my orders, or is he and his force reserved for some special service? Halleck replied promptly: You have command of all troops sent to your department, and have permission to fight the enemy when you please. This was on the 12th, and on the 13th, Grant's cavalry entered Holly Springs, driving the enemy south of the Tallahatchie. On the 14th, he informed Sherman: I have now complete control of my department, and accordingly ordered him to move with two divisions of twelve full regiments each, and, if possible, with three divisions, to Oxford, or the Tallahatchie, as soon as possible. 1 am now ready to move from here (La Grange), any day, and only await your movements. Sherman was to notify Grant when he could marc
headquarters in the vicinity of Fourteen-mile creek.. . . Accordingly, on the 12th, at three and a half A. M., Logan's division moved towards Raymond, followed by e national forces in flank and rear, as soon as they became engaged. On the 12th, the following was addressed to Major-General Stevenson: From information receivnk at any moment. Pemberton's Report. Pemberton also sent telegrams, on the 12th, to Johnston and Mr. Jefferson Davis, announcing: The enemy is apparently movingin store-houses. The ambulances were used as ammunition wagons. Later on the 12th, Grant said to McClernand, from Dillon's plantation: Edward's station is evident and leave no enemy in his rear. At a quarter past nine on the evening of the 12th, he directed McPherson to move on to Clinton and Jackson, at daylight in the morcation with the government. Raymond, May 14th.—McPherson took this place on the 12th, after a brisk fight of more than two hours. Our loss fifty-one killed, and one
hat it was impossible to stand a siege. If the enemy will not attack, we must, or, at the last moment, withdraw. We cannot attack seriously without risking the army. Brisk skirmishing and light cannonading continued for several days; and on the 12th, an affair occurred in which Lauman's division only was engaged; it resulted in the loss of nearly five hundred men to Sherman, and was occasioned by Lauman's misinterpretation of his orders. On the 13th, both flanks of the army extended to the Pearl river, and Sherman sent back for ammunition for a siege. On the 12th and 13th, three thousand rounds of ammunition were thrown into Jackson, and on the 14th, Johnston telegraphed that he should be compelled to abandon the place. It would be madness to attack. Meanwhile, Sherman sent out expeditions to the right and left, destroying the railroads in every direction—cars, locomotives, turn-tables, and shops, as well as tracks and bridges—and driving off various bodies of cavalry. Some o
Tennessee, with the enemy's forces as they are now situated, unless he is constantly occupied by forces immediately in his front. There are reports of very large bodies of troops concentrating against me, but I believe them all exaggerated. Burnside, indeed, was always sanguine; his fault was rather to underrate difficulties, and to overestimate his own powers or means of conquering them, than to be cowed by what opposed him. He was more likely to risk too much, than to withdraw. On the 12th, he said: We will endeavor to hold in check any force that comes against us, until Thomas is ready. . . . . This country certainly ought to be held, if possible, until Thomas can force the enemy back. Just at this time, the telegraph lines were cut between Grant and Burnside, so that communication was interrupted for a day or two; it was, however, soon renewed. Burnside now held as far east as Bull's gap, and, south of that, he picketed the Tennessee river, from Washington to Kingston. Hi
lle, from Cumberland gap. On the 11th, he assumed command of the Department of the Ohio. Burnside left Knoxville, on the 12th, for Cincinnati. On the 8th, the President sent the following dispatch to Grant: Understanding that your lodgment at Ch in the valley of the Tennessee, until it seems clear that the enemy have entirely abandoned the state. To Foster, on the 12th: Drive Longstreet to the furthest point east you can. And on the 14th: Do all you can to harass the enemy and drive him as to collect provisions. Receiving discretionary orders, he, next day, recalled one brigade of Wheeler's cavalry. On the 12th, he learned that a portion of Burnside's force had returned to Chattanooga, and that a small body of troops, principally c troops should be turned against Dalton, which he hoped to gain and hold, as one step towards a spring campaign. On the 12th, accordingly, Thomas was ordered to make a formidable reconnoissance towards Dalton, and, if successful in driving the ene
l. Field order for March to Fort Donelson. General field orders, no. 7. headquarters, District of Cairo, Fort Henry, February 10, 1862. The troops from Forts Henry and Heiman will hold themselves in readiness to move on Wednesday, the 12th instant, at as early an hour as practicable. Neither tents nor baggage will be taken, except such as the troops can carry. Brigade and regimental commanders will see that all their men are supplied with forty rounds of ammunition in their cartridge-you the unconditional surrender, this morning, of Fort Donelson, with twelve to fifteen thousand prisoners, at least forty pieces of artillery, and a large amount of stores, horses, mules, and other public property. I left Fort Henry on the 12th instant, with a force of about fifteen thousand men, divided into two divisions, under the command of Generals McClernand and Smith. Six regiments were sent around by water the day before, convoyed by a gunboat (or boats), and with instructions not to
gram.) Washington, D. C., 11 A. M., May 11, 1863. If possible, the forces of yourself and Banks should be united between Vicksburg and Port Hudson, so as to attack these places separately with the combined forces. The same thing has been urged on Banks. Hooker recrossed to the north side of the river, but he inflicted a greater loss upon the enemy than he received. General Grant to General Halleck.—(Cipher telegram.) Raymond, Miss., May 14, 1863. McPherson took this place on the 12th, after a brisk fight of more than two hours. Oar loss, fifty-one killed, and one hundred and eighty wounded; enemy's loss, seventy-five killed, and buried by us. One hundred and eighty-six prisoners, besides wounded. McPherson is now at Clinton, Sherman on the direct Jackson road, and McClernand bringing up the rear. I will attack the state capital to-day. General Grant to General Halleck.—(Cipher telegram.) Jackson, Miss., May 15, 1863. This place fell into our hands yesterday after
the land forces at Port Gibson. The armament and public stores captured there are but the just trophies of that victory. Hastening to bridge the south branch of Bayou Pierre, at Port Gibson, you crossed on the morning of the 3d, and pushed on to Willow springs, Big Sandy, and the main crossing of Fourteen-mile creek, four miles from Edward's station. A detachment of the enemy was immediately driven away from the crossing, and you advanced, passed over, and rested during the night of the 12th, within three miles of the enemy in large force at that station. On the morning of the 13th, the objective point of the army's movement having been changed from Edward's station to Jackson, in pursuance of an order from the commander of the department, you moved on the north side of Fourteen-mile creek towards Raymond. This delicate and hazardous movement was executed by a portion of your numbers under cover of Hovey's division, which made a feint of attack, in line of battle, upon Edwa