Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 17, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for 12th or search for 12th in all documents.

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Daring Outrage. --In the county of Chesterfield, near Skinquarter meeting house, on Sunday night, the 12th inst. at a late hour of the night, a negro man forced open the door of the house of a lone maiden lady, and dragging her out of her bed, some hundred yards into the woods adjacent, attempted to violate her person. Having choked and otherwise cruelly abused her, he left her, apparently dead. Some short time after, she sufficiently recovered to make her way to the house of a neighbor. Circumstances causing suspicion to rest upon a free negro of the neighborhood, he was arrested on Monday evening, and on Tuesday morning thirty gentlemen of the vicinage met, and having heard the testimony, the outraged lady having first identified the prisoner as the guilty party, pronounced him guilty, and soon thereafter hung him till he was dead. Cases of the kind will rarely occur, where there is such prompt and summary punishment meted out to the offenders.
$50 reward. --The above reward will be paid for the arrest of Philip Hanse, a detailed mechanic, at this post, who resorted on the night of the 12th instant, taking with him a valuable lot of blacksmith fools. The public is hereby cautioned against purchasing the same. Hanes is five feet seven inches high, with light eyes and hair, and fair complexion. Geo. F. Maynard. Camp Lee, Mch. 15, 65. Major mh 17--3t