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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Confederate State Department. (search)
tion in my power. I am, &c., James P. Holcombe. Letters from Hon. Jacob Thompson. Wilmington, N. C., May 2, 1864. Hon. J. P. Benjamin, Secretary of State: Sir--Mr. Clay did not arrive until after dark last evening, and he delivered to me your letter with its inclosures. Herewith you wilt find my receipt for the bills forwarded by you. We shall sail to-day at one o'clock in the Thistle, which is considered by shippers as a safe boat, for Halifax; touches at Bermuda on the 13th instant, and the voyage thence to Halifax usually occupies four days. With no untoward event we will reach Canada by the 20th instant. m, &c., J. Thompson. Saint George's, Bermuda, May 10th, 1864. To Hon. J. P. Benjamin: Sir — We reached this port safely this morning. While we were chased by a blockade vessel for five hours on our way out, yet we escaped with no further interruption than being forced to leave our true course for that length of time. I am informed to-day the steamer for H
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of General Edward Johnson of capture of Winchester. (search)
e honor to submit the following report of the operations of my division from the time of leaving Fredericksburg for Winchester until it crossed the Potomac. The division left camp near Hamilton's crossing June 5th, 1863, and moved in the direction of Winchester, crossing the Blue Ridge at Chester Gap. Nothing occurred worthy of particular note during the march, which was steady and regular, the command being in good condition and excellent spirits. At daylight of the morning of the 13th ultimo, the division left its camp at Cedarville, moving on the Winchester and Front Royal turnpike. The enemy's pickets were discovered four miles from the town about 12 M. The Second Virginia regiment, Colonel Nadenbousch commanding, was detached from the Stonewall brigade and deployed as skirmishers on the left of the road. This regiment advanced handsomely, driving the enemy to a stone fence near the junction of the Millwood and Front Royal roads, behind which they made a stand. After a s
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Missouri campaign of 1864-report of General Stirling Price. (search)
at it coincided with my instructions — in the propriety of which my own judgment fully concurred. Colonels.Freeman, Dobbins and McCroy were ordered to return, with such of their men as still remained with their colors, to the places where they had raised their commands, to collect the absentees, and bring them within our lines during December, if possible; and on the 4th of November I marched with the balance of my command through the Indian territory in the direction of Boggy depot. On the 13th I reached Perryville — a distance of one hundred and nineteen miles--when I met three wagons with supplies and encamped, remaining one day to rest and recruit my men. I had marched carefully and slowly, stopping to graze my stock whenever an opportunity offered. On the 14th, General Shelby, at his request, was left behind on the Canadian to recruit. On the 20th, Cabell's and Slemmons' brigades were furloughed. On the 21st of November I arrived at Clarksville, where I received an order from
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Gettysburg campaign--full report of General J. E. B. Stuart. (search)
sist the enemy's attack. The situation of our communications south of the Potomac caused the Commanding-General to desire more cavalry on that side, and accordingly Brigadier-General Jones' brigade (one of whose regiments, Twelfth Virginia cavalry, had been left in Jefferson) was detached and sent to cover our communication with Winchester. The cavalry on the left consisted now of Fitz. Lee's, W. H. F. Lee's, Baker's, and Robertson's brigades — the latter being a mere handful. On the 13th skirmishing continued at intervals; but it appeared that the enemy, instead of attacking, was entrenching himself in our front, and the Commanding-General determined to cross the Potomac. The night of the 13th was chosen for this move, and the arduous and difficult task of bringing up the rear was, as usual, assigned to the cavalry. Just before night, which was unusually rainy, the cavalry was disposed from right to left to occupy, dismounted, the trenches of the infantry at dark — Fitz. Le
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Capture of Fort Pillow--vindication of General Chalmers by a Federal officer. (search)
ad passed out of the earthworks, I met a few ambulances, with their drunken, cowardly crew, who were about to take off my boots, when you came riding near by. Seeing you had on the evidences of being a General, I called to you. You rode up to me and asked me what was wanted. I asked you if you would allow those fellows to strip a prisoner of his boots. You cursed them, and put a guard over me, giving orders to the guard to shoot down the first one that molested me. I again saw you on the 13th; rode part of the way from the camp to the river and went aboard Platte Valley steamboat with you, and saw you several times on the boat. I had the wounded taken on board the boat. I do not believe that there was a babe there for any one to kill, as early in the morning all of the women and all of the non-combatants were ordered on to some barges, and were towed up the river to an island. by a gunboat before anyone was hurt. I fail to see how you could have gotten on that island to kill t
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Meeting at the White Sulphur Springs. (search)
moves from Memphis via Corinth to engage Forrest. . . . Smith has nine thousand infantry and three thousand cavalry. General Smith moved slowly and cautiously; Generals S. D. Lee and Forrest were concentrating forces and fortifying at Okalona to meet him. The first division was thrown forward above Pontotoc, to watch Smith, with orders to skirmish with him slightly, but let him come on. Smith reached Pontotoc on the 11th of June and halted until the 13th, as if hesitating what to do. On the 13th Smith turned east and moved rapidly towards Tupelo, as if alarmed, but repulsed, with promptness and severe loss to us, two flank attacks made on him during the day. During the night Smith entrenched himself at Harrisburg, the site of an old town on the hill above Tupelo, with nine thousand infantry, three thousand cavalry and twenty pieces of artillery. Major-General S. D. Lee, now in command of the Confederate forces, had seven thousand cavalry, twenty-one hundred dismounted cavalrymen act