Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 9. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for 15th or search for 15th in all documents.

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Crossing the Antietam, on the morning of the fifteenth, Major-General D. H. Hill's division and my of Sharpsburg. Late in the afternoon of the fifteenth, (the day of the surrender,) General Lawton l after eight o'clock, in the morning of the fifteenth, the enemy replying very feebly at first, an he should attempt to do so. At dawn, on the fifteenth, the attack was renewed, and at nine o'clockide of Antietam River, on the morning of the fifteenth, I was ordered to take position about one mi the west bank of the Antietam river, on the fifteenth, under orders from Major-General Longstreet,ohn Berney, who composed my staff. On the fifteenth, after resting on the heights south of Sharpn front of Sharpsburg, on the evening of the fifteenth, to the right and in front of Mumma Church; tion the balance of the day and night of the fifteenth, and until late in the evening of the sixteehe march was commenced on the evening of the fifteenth, and on the sixteenth the three divisions of[2 more...]
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