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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Jackson's Valley campaign of 1862. (search)
inian were ordered elsewhere; and in order to induce re-enlistment, furloughs were freely granted. The Confederate force was in this way reduced to about four thousand men, exclusive of militia. With the 1st of March opened the great campaign of 1862 in Virginia, in which Jackson was to bear so prominent a part. In other sections of the Confederacy fortune favored the Federal cause, and the Union armies were on the full tide of success. On the 8th of February Roanoke Island fell, on the 16th Fort Donelson, on the 26th Nashville, and on the 27th the evacuation of Columbus, Kentucky, was begun. These successes made the Federal Administration impatient to push forward operations in Virginia. At the urgent representation of General McClellan, President Lincoln had yielded his favorite plan of campaign — an advance against the Confederate lines at Manassas — and had reluctantly consented to the transfer of the Army of the Potomac to Fortress Monroe, and its advance thence on Richm
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Report of the battle of Averysboroa, North Carolina, by General W. B. Taliaferro. (search)
eport of the battle of Averysboroa, North Carolina, by General W. B. Taliaferro. [We are indebted to our gallant friend General Taliaferro, for his original report of this important battle. So far as we are able to ascertain this is the only copy extant.] headquarters Taliaferro's division, camp near Smithfield, N. C., April 4th, 1865. Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. Roy, A. A. General: Colonel — I have the honor to make a brief report of the operations of my division on the 15th and 16th ultimo, near Averysboroa, North Carolina: On the morning of the 15th, Rhett's brigade was encamped near Smith's house, at the intersection of the Fayetteville and Raleigh road with the road leading to Smith's ferry, on the Cape Fear river, and Elliott's brigade half a mile higher up, at another cross road leading to the same ferry. On the previous evening the enemy, who had advanced as far as Silver run, were reported by the cavalry to have retired a distance of four miles below that point,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official correspondence of Confederate State Department. (search)
th no untoward event we will reach Canada by the 20th instant. m, &c., J. Thompson. Saint George's, Bermuda, May 10th, 1864. To Hon. J. P. Benjamin: Sir — We reached this port safely this morning. While we were chased by a blockade vessel for five hours on our way out, yet we escaped with no further interruption than being forced to leave our true course for that length of time. I am informed to-day the steamer for Halifax is not expected to leave Saint George's before Monday the 16th instant. I am, &c., J. Thompson. Telegrams. Wilmington, N. C., April 29, 1864. To Hon. J. P. Benjamin: Arrived this morning. Six thousand bales of cotton burnt last night, which will delay all boats until Monday or Tuesday. J. Thompson, care E. Salomon. Wilmington, N. C., May 2, 1864. To Hon J. P. Benjamin: Mr. Clay delivered me your letter with inclosures last night. J. Thompson. Wilmington, May 3, 1864. Hon. J. P. Benjamin: We think copies of President's message wo
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Who burned Columbia?--a Review of General Sherman's version of the affair. (search)
Camden, Lancaster, Chesterfield, Cheraw and Darlington. Thirteenth. General Beauregard, and not General Hampton, was the highest military authority in Columbia at that time. General Hampton was assigned to duty at Columbia on the night of the 16th, Thursday; and the order issued about the cotton came from General Beauregard at the request of General Hampton (through the latter, of course); and that order signed by Captain Rawlins Lowndes, Assistant Adjutant-General, was that the cotton be nt should become necessary to burn it, without endangering the city, and that Major Greene, having no available transportation, placed the cotton in the broadest of the streets, as the best he could do under the circumstances; eleventh, that on the 16th, when General Hampton was assigned to duty at Columbus, he urged General Beauregard, his superior officer, to order that the cotton be not burned, that General Beuregard so ordered and that the order was issued by Captain Lowndes, Assistant Adjuta
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Missouri campaign of 1864-report of General Stirling Price. (search)
Clark, for whose safety I began to entertain fears, inasmuch as information had been received that the enemy were on my left flank and in my rear in large force. Previous to the attack on Sedalia, the large and magnificent bridge over the Lamine, on the Pacific railroad, had been destroyed by Lieutenant James Wood, of Elliott's battalion, who had been sent there for that purpose by General Shelby. On the 17th I received information that the enemy (Kansas troops) had entered Lexington on the 16th. On the 17th I also received news of the capture of Sedalia by General Thompson. On the 18th, having been joined by Shelby's division and Clark's brigade of Marmaduke's division, I marched to Waverly, twenty-two miles. On leaving Pocahontas I had sent an agent of great intelligence and tact into Saint Louis to ascertain the strength of the enemy at that city, with instructions to report to me if possible at Potosi. He was, however, so closely watched that he could not join me until I ha
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Some Corrections of Sherman's Memoirs. (search)
ton. Instructions were also given for the most feasible defence of the causeway and road from Screven's Ferry. On the 14th Hardee telegraphed the General, stating the enemy's movements, his own doubts, and his desire in the emergency to have orders; and on the 15th he again telegraphed, urging the General to return and determine on the ground the actual time for the movement of evacuation and junction with Jones. Beauregard (whom I accompanied) arrived again in Savannah on the night of the 16th, after running the gauntlet of Foster's batteries near Pocotaligo, in a wagon, so as to save the railroad from obstruction by an unlucky shot at his train, and making, by like conveyances, the distance along which the railroad had been broken by Sherman near Savannah. He found the pontoon bridge only about one-third constructed, some of Wheeler's cavalry having destroyed a number of rice flats collected, supposing they had been gathered by Sherman for the crossing of the river. But the work
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Meeting at the White Sulphur Springs. (search)
his command; but, in reply, was ordered by General Bragg to move at once. Sending an agent forward to smuggle percussion caps out of Memphis, he started. By the 15th he had crossed the Tennessee river at Clifton, swimming his horses and ferrying over his men, artillery and train, with a leaky old ferryboat, in a cold, pelting rain, that destroyed most of his small supply of percussion caps. Fortunately, his agent arrived that night with a fresh supply, and he began his arduous task on the 16th, after sinking and concealing his ferryboat to make safe his return. In two weeks time, with about three thousand raw and almost unarmed cavalry, in a small district of country, surrounded on three sides by the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers, and on the fourth by the Memphis and Charleston railroad, thronged with Union soldiers, marching an average of twenty miles a day, he fought three heavy battles, had almost daily skirmishing, burned fifty railroad bridges, destroyed so much of its tre