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e. I strongly suspect the protection afforded by them was not in every case legitimate, for on one occasion I saw firing in the immediate locality of one of the tents. New-York, June 28. The Herald has advices from Port Hudson to the twentieth instant. General Banks on the fifteenth instant issued a congratulatory order to his troops over their steady advance upon the enemy's works, stating that he is confident of an immediate and triumphant issue of the conflict, and says we are at all he Essex. The gun which effected this has been dismounted by battery No. Seven. The citadel on which it was mounted was expected to be soon reduced. It was rumored and generally believed that an assault would take place on the night of the twentieth, to be led by Gen. Grierson and Col. Von Petten, of the One Hundred and Sixteenth New-York. The assaulting party was to be supported by General Weitzel's old brigade and that of Colonel Dudley. A rebel bearer of despatches had been captured
yards of the enemy's lines, and exhaustion and the lateness of the evening intermitted it. An advance had been made by all the corps and the ground gained was firmly held, but the enemy's works were not carried. A number of brave officers and men fell, killed or wounded, and among the latter, General Lee, who had signalized his brief command by equal activity, intelligence, and gallantry. The command of his brigade devolved on Colonel Kaigwin, an able and worthy successor. On the twentieth General Hovey brought up Colonel Slack's brigade of the Twelfth division, from Champion Hill, and supported General Osterhaus's on the left. General Carr supported General Smith on the right. Lively skirmishing continued during the twentieth and twenty-first, and nearer approach to the enemy's works was made, where it could be done. On the evening of the twenty-first I received an order from Major-General Grant of the same date, in material part as follows: A simultaneous attack w
Colonel Spooner, and the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Illinois, Colonel Eldridge. They held their ground and fired upon any head that presented itself above the parapet; but it was impossible to enter. Other regiments gained position to the right and left close up to the parapet; but night found them outside the works unsuccessful. As soon as night closed in, I ordered them back a short distance, where the shape of the ground gave them partial shelter, to bivouac for the night. The twentieth and twenty-first instant were consumed in perfecting our system of supplies, opening roads, and putting our artillery in new and more commanding positions, but we could see the enemy similarly employed. During these days our pickets were kept up close, and the enemy was kept uneasy by the appearance of assault at several points. On the twenty-first General Grant issued his orders for a general assault by all the army, at ten A. M., on the twenty. second, the assault to be rapid, by the h
nty miles to a point nearly due north of Soda Springs along two sides of a triangle, either of which is seventy miles along, and a distance of one hundred and forty miles. The infantry, with the settlers, not having yet arrived, detachments under Lieutenants Bradley and Ustick were despatched north and south to explore the country, and find a route for a direct and practicable wagon-road to the settlement in Cache Valley, and to report on the character of the country explored. On the twentieth, company H, Third infantry, arrived, after a long and tedious trip, accompanied by their charge, the settlers for the new town. A suitable spot was selected on the north bank of the Bear River, near the Great Bend, and four miles east of where the Soda Springs Valley opens into old Crater Valley, and striking Snake River seventy miles above and east of the present ferry. At this point a ferry has been established, and in a short time a good boat will be in running order. With the main
ent and valuable services, especially on the twentieth, in covering the movement of retiring trains movements were completed by daylight on the twentieth, when the General Commanding visited my posiforming the rear-guard. On the night of the twentieth, the Twentieth corps was in good order unitend, in the battles of the nineteenth and twentieth instant. The narrative commences with the crossnts of the brigade. On the morning of the twentieth, the men were moved at three A. M. and direc Chickamauga River on the nineteenth and twentieth instant. On the morning of September tenth, ts, hastily constructed on the morning of the twentieth, enabled us to repel two assaults on the pos would have had probably little to do on the twentieth, to make his victory decisive. There had teedman's division. Its operations on the Twentieth. in the field, opposite Chattanooga, Seride that I can write of such a division, and its fight on the twentieth, parva pars fui. miles. [7 more...]
d their flanks, capturing a large number of prisoners. Not since the battle of Cressy, 1346, when. cannon were first used, was the artillery arm of the service more effective on both sides, or more chivalry shown. During the evening of the twentieth, when Liddell's brigades were in desperate conflict with the enemy, Captain Sweet's battery silenced a battery of the enemy, which was afterward captured. The officer in command, on being taken prisoner, inquired the name of the confederate of, of the Fifteenth and Thirty-seventh Tennessee, lost one hundred and twenty out of two hundred and two men. All the field-officers were wounded, six company officers were killed, and two color-bearers were shot down. During the evening of the twentieth, this gallant regiment became disconnected from Bate's brigade, and fought independently, capturing, with a portion of the Fourth Alabama, a fine battery, the men of the regiment managing the guns and carrying them to the rear, the horses being
soldier, who thought capture nothing compared with starvation. The descent was terrible; cliffs of ten to thirty-one feet, down which the smooth-footed horse would slide, with scarce life enough to arrest his progress, except it be stopped by contact with a tree or some other obstacle. Many horses left alone staggered over the cliffs and were for ever lost. It was not until midnight we reached Blue Stone Creek, and all threw themselves upon the ground, hungry and tired. On Monday, the twentieth, we left our camping ground at three A. M., the third day, without food and no prospect of any; we pass along Blue Stone Creek, until we strike Tug Fork, Big Sandy. This day was extremely hot, and taking the Wyoming road, we camped for the night. This ended four days without food. Here cattle were killed, and we soon ate what little could be had, and by daylight, the twenty-first, every thing was ready. We travelled along the ridge until we struck the Guyan Mountain. The weather was w
action created among the citizens was even greater than that which followed among the negroes. Women, with faces ruddy with oppressive excitement, were lying about, regardless of calico, and accosting every officer they met for assistance. The excitement was growing in intensity, and business accumulating in an equal ratio. It was concluded best by the General, to avoid trouble and perplexity, to return to camp, and orders were issued for a departure on the following morning. On the twentieth, the whole command moved out as far as Bell Factory. On the following day, General Mitchell came to Fayetteville; Colonel Galbraith, with the First Middle Tennessee, was sent to Shelbyville to rid the country of bushwhackers, and to recruit; while the balance of the command moved on to Salem. The expedition brought into camp, on the twenty-second, between five and six hundred negroes, and one thousand horses and mules. It is common to represent that expeditions prove entire succes
may attempt to relieve you. Hold out. The same day I sent orders to Major-General Gardner to evacuate Port Hudson. I then determined, by easy marches, to reestablish my line between Jackson and Canton, as the junction of the two commands had become impossible. On the twentieth and twenty-first of May I was joined by the brigades of Generals Gist, Ector, and McNair. The division of General Loring, cut off from General Pemberton in the battle of Baker's Creek, reached Jackson on the twentieth, and General Maxey, with his brigade, on the twenty-third. By the fourth of June the army had, in addition to these, been reenforced by the brigade of General Evans, the division of General Breckinridge, and the division of cavalry, numbering two thousand eight hundred, commanded by Brigadier-General W. H. Jackson. Small as was this force, about twenty-four thousand, infantry and artillery, not one third of that of the enemy, it was deficient in artillery, in ammunition for all arms and
l Jeff Thompson. Colonel Woodson's official report, Pilot Knob, Mo., August 27, 1863. General C. B. Fisk, Commanding District of South-east Missouri: sir: In obedience to orders from Colonel R. R. Livingston, of the seventeenth instant, (he then commanding the post of Pilot Knob,) I moved with a detachment of my regiment from this point on the eighteenth instant, from Greenville, to form a junction with a battalion from Cape Girardeau. I arrived at Greenville at noon on the twentieth instant, and had to remain there till the evening of the twenty-first, for the troops from the Cape. When they joined me on the morning of Thursday, the twenty-second, I moved with the whole force, about six hundred strong, for Pocahontas, Arkansas, by as rapid marches as the extreme heat of the weather and the condition of my stock would permit, and arrived at Pocahontas, Arkansas, on Saturday evening, the twenty-fourth instant. When I was in four miles of Pocahontas, I ascertained that B