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commence his movement from Warrenton till the fifteenth, and then, instead of crossing the Rappahannock by the fords, as he was expected to do, he marched his whole army down on the north bank of the river, his advance reaching Falmouth on the twentieth. Lee's army, in the mean time, moved down the south side of the river, but had not occupied Fredericksburgh on the twenty-first. The river was at this time fordable a few miles above the town, and General Sumner asked permission to cross and entre was next assailed, and temporarily driven back, but being promptly reenforced, maintained its ground. As night approached the battle ceased, and the combatants rested on their arms. The attack was furiously renewed on the morning of the twentieth, against our left and centre. Division after division was pushed forward to resist the attacking masses of the enemy, when, according to General Rosecrans's report, General Wood, overlooking the direction to close upon Reynolds, supposed he wa
o came into our lines on the night of the twenty-second November, reported Bragg falling back. The following letter, received from Bragg by flag of truce on the twentieth, tended to confirm this report: headquarters army of the Tennessee, in the field, November 20, 1868. Major-General U. S. Grant, Commanding United States Fo cut up and encumbered with the wagons of other troops stationed along the road. I reached General Hooker's headquarters during a rain in the afternoon of the twentieth, and met General Grant's orders for the general attack for the next day. It was simply impossible for me to fill my post in time. Only one division, General Joh of November, and that preparatory orders were sent through me on the eighteenth, for the Eleventh corps to cross to the north bank of the Tennessee River on the twentieth. At this time the Eleventh corps and a part of the Twelfth corps were encamped in Lookout Valley, opposite to the left of the enemy's line. In consequence of t
toward the Island Ford bridge. Persons intrusted with the burning of the Island Ford bridge failed to do so, however, owing to the rapid advance of the enemy upon that point. The advance, under Averill in person, thus managed to make their escape across the bridge; but that portion of his command which had been cut off-consisting of one regiment and an entire wagon train — were held in check by Jackson's detachment of fifty men during the entire night. Soon after sunrise on Sunday, the twentieth, the heavy force which Averill had left at the bridge after he had crossed, to prevent Jackson from burning it, themselves fired it, and in a short time it fell into the river; and this produced much consternation among the Yankees who had been cut off from the bridge by the detachment under Jackson. Had Jackson's order to attack the Yankees furiously not been so tardily obeyed, the whole force which had been cut off, together with the entire wagon train, would have been captured. By fai
nson's brigade near Florence, routed them, killed fifteen, and wounded quite a number, taking them prisoners — among them three commissioned officers; our loss, ten wounded. Brigadier-General Gillem also reports having sent out parties from along the line of the N. W. Railroad, and their having returned with Lieutenant-Colonel Brewer, two captains, three lieutenants, and twenty men as prisoners. A party of guerrillas, numbering about one hundred and fifty men, attacked Tracy City on the twentieth, and after having three times summoned the garrison to surrender, were handsomely repulsed by our forces. Colonel T. J. Harrison, Thirty-ninth Indiana, (mounted infantry,) reports from Cedar Grove, twenty-first instant, that he had sent an expedition of two hundred men to Sparta, to look after the guerrillas in that vicinity. They divided into five parties, concentrating at Sparta, having passed over the localities of Carter's, Champ Ferguson's, Bledsoe's, and Murray's guerrillas. His (
Lay there all day ready to support our force in the rifle-pits and Fort Sanders, should the enemy charge them. They did not charge our works. Constant firing all along the line. At night we returned to camp. November twenty-first, our brigade staid in camp all day. Rained very hard all day. After night the rebels threw several shells into town. Two or three aimed very well at General Burnside's headquarters. November twenty-second, our brigade moved to the street we lay in on the twentieth. Staid here till late in the evening, when we came back to our horses, mounted, and our division moved up the river about four miles. About nine o'clock in the night we returned to town. Just as we started out, we were visited again by a few rebel shells. November twenty-third, at night our division moved across the river to the heights on the south side. Twenty-fourth, we staid in and worked on rifle-pits. Very cold and rainy. Twenty-fifth, we advanced to the front, down the river
ctions given to Brigadier-General T. Seymour, relative to operations in Florida prior to the fight at Olustee on the twentieth ultimo. A brief narrative of events connected with the recent occupation of Florida, west of the St. John's River, will no marching all day, made seventeen miles, stopping over night at a small place called Barber's. On Saturday morning, the twentieth, at seven o'clock, we started once more for a place called Lake City, thirty-six miles distant, which, if we had succeeo defend the pasture-yard and shambles of the Confederacy from the invasion of the Union army. On the morning of the twentieth, at about nine o'clock, the troops set out to find the enemy, moving in three lines, almost parallel to the road. It wtherefore give you a short history of the part the Eighth regiment had in the slaughter at Olustee, Florida, on the twentieth instant, and will then allow you and the committee to judge whether colored men are the poltroons which their enemies tried
y accomplished, and that it will be a long time before the rebels will wish to see the Union army in that vicinity again. Having accomplished the object of the expedition, and our provisions running low, the expedition started back on the twentieth ultimo. The route chosen was through Canton, to the northward of the one going out. This was done, partly that supplies might be obtained, and partly for the reason that there was confederate property to be destroyed. On the return march, the conublic stores, and several large supply depots and hospital buildings were destroyed. At Meridian, we found a large arms manufactory in successful operation, and it, with a large number of guns, was consumed by fire. The army marched, on the twentieth, for Canton, coming on a route north of the one going out; arrived at Canton on the twenty-sixth, where it remained several days. Colonel Winslow had a severe skirmish with Adams's forces on the twenty-seventh, and on the twenty-ninth the same
cotton, a tannery containing two thousand sides of leather, all belonging to the rebel government, and capturing about two thousand negroes, and three thousand mules and horses, tearing up about thirty miles of the railroad, burning the bridges and culverts, and rendering the rails unserviceable by being heated, thus cutting off their communications with Mobile. All this was done without any interruption, although the rebel General Forrest, with a large cavalry force, was near us. On the twentieth we, for the first time, encountered the enemy in the neighborhood of West-Point, where they had taken a strong position, and after a little sharp fighting they were driven back, we encamping on the battle-field. On the morning of the twenty-first, having accomplished fully the object of the expedition, we commenced our return, the Second Iowa cavalry and a battalion of the Sixth Illinois cavalry guarding the rear. Several times during the day the rebels charged furiously upon the rear, b
d here last night, much wearied, hungry, and exhausted, but content that it all happened in our three years. Upon arriving, we learned that parts of companies D, F, and G, altogether fifty, and parts of the Third Minnesota and Sixty-first Illinois infantry, under command of Colonel Andrews, the latter having come secretly from Little Rock, had left this place on Steamers Commercial and Raymond at the same time we did, and were to operate with us. They arrived at Augusta at daylight, on the twentieth, here disembarked, and proceeded toward Cache River by different roads; the cavalry taking one road and the infantry the other. It was not long before the cavalry, commanded by Captain J. H. Garrison, G, came upon the rebel Colonel Ponder, of the Ninth regiment Missouri Cavalry, C. S. A., who had been reconnoitring our forces. Upon seeing our cavalry, he endeavored to escape, but the boys gave chase, came upon him, and after firing a few shots at him, captured him, together wi
ng supplies, could have been maintained against any rebel force. Deserters who came in reported that Banks had been defeated, and spies returned with the same intelligence. Some despatches from the enemy were captured, which confirmed the fact that if Banks was not defeated he had been so crippled as to make it necessary for him to stop. On the eighteenth, a forage team sent out by the quartermaster was captured by the enemy. This was the first disaster during the expedition. On the twentieth, a supply-train arrived from Pine Bluff, and on the twenty-second the empty train was sent back, escorted by a brigade of infantry, four pieces of artillery, and a proper proportion of cavalry. On the twenty-fifth, news was received that the train had been captured, and Lieutenant-Colonel Drake, of the Seventy-seventh Ohio, who was in command, was mortally wounded. Deserters, prisoners, spies, and scouts, who came or were brought in, gave information that rendered it certain that Kirby