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warded it at once to Halleck; the same day he obtained permission to visit St. Louis, the headquarters of the department. He had asked this leave as early as the 6th of the month, before the recent demonstration had been ordered, and again on the 20th, before Smith's report was made. On the 23d, he started for St. Louis. The express object of his visit was to procure Halleck's permission to take Forts Henry and Donelson; but when he attempted to broach the subject, Halleck silenced him so qui exhausted, which turned the scale, and prevented them from cutting their way through the national lines. Floyd, Pillow, and Buckner, as well as their subordinates, agree in this. General Cullum, Halleck's chief of staff, wrote to Grant on the 20th: I received with the highest gratification your reports and letters from Fort Donelson, so gallantly captured under your brilliant leadership. I, in common with the whole country, warmly congratulate you upon this remarkable achievement. Halleck
nemy was evidently preparing in his turn to assume the offensive. To counteract this, General Buell's command, was included in that of Halleck, and Buell himself, with five divisions, numbering nearly forty thousand men, was ordered from Nashville, to the support of Grant. And there was imminent need of such support. The movements of Buell, however, were seldom expeditious. As early as the 16th of March, Halleck had informed Grant: General Buell is marching in this direction; and on the 20th, Buell is at Columbia, and will move on Waynesboro with three divisions. On the 19th, Grant wrote to Buell: There is every reason to suppose that the rebels have a large force at Corinth, and many at other points on the road towards Decatur. On the 26th, he informed Halleck: My scouts are just in with a letter from General Buell. The three divisions coming this way are yet on east side of Duck river, detained bridge-building. On the 27th: I have no news yet of any portion of General Buell
. Firing was very heavy. You must attack in the morning and in force. The ground is horrid, unknown to us, and no room for development. Couldn't use our artillery at all; fired but few shots. Push in on to them until we can have time to do something. We will try to get a position on our right which will take Iuka. W. S. Rosecrans, Brigadier-General. Owing to the difficulties in communication, Grant did not receive this dispatch until thirty-five minutes past eight on the morning of the 20th, but the same moment he sent word to Ord, to attack as soon as possible, saying: Unless you can create a diversion in Rosecrans's favor, he may find his hands full. The wind had blown heavily to the south and east the day before, and no sound of the firing had reached Ord; during the night, however, he had got word of the battle from negroes, and so pushed on towards the town, in the morning, in advance of Grant's order. Soon afterwards, Grant himself learned that the enemy was in full ret
soon as printed. . . . Written and verbal instructions have been given to General Sherman, which will be turned over to you on your arrival at Memphis. On the 20th, however, the enemy's cavalry, under Van Dorn, made a dash into Holly Springs, twenty-eight miles in Grant's rear, and captured the garrison, with all its stores. ow the city to be used effectually. On the 18th, he wrote: Should Banks pass Port Hudson, this force will be ready to cooperate on Vicksburg, at any time. On the 20th, he returned to Memphis, and sent word to one of his subordinates: The Mississippi river enterprise must take precedence of all others, and any side move must simpbut he thought it his duty to give them a fair trial, and, at any rate, to occupy the troops vigorously until he should be able to get them below the city. On the 20th, after his visit to Napoleon, he wrote: The work of reducing Vicksburg will take time and men, but can be accomplished. He determined, now, to abandon the railr
spitals and supplies at Grand Gulf were also ordered up to Warrenton. Hard bread, coffee, and sugar were hauled out to the front; and the troops rested for two days, clearing the ground on which they were to encamp, and acquiring a more distinct idea of that over which they were to advance. Lauman's division was now arriving at Chickasaw bayou, and the rest of McArthur's command at Warrenton. Pickets were pushed forward, in the mean time, and positions selected for the artillery. On the 20th, also, Grant sent Admiral Porter word: A gunboat playing on the second water-battery would materially help us; and, at noon of that day, the mortar-fleet took position on the west side of the peninsula, and commenced the bombardment of the city. This fire continued without intermission on the 21st, accompanied by occasional musketry and artillery attacks from the land side, to which but slight response was made. Several rebel guns were dismounted, the works were ploughed up in one or two i
the roads leading out from the river. All the material of war had been removed, in advance of the retreat, by means of the railroad running east. Sherman was convinced that pursuit across a country ninety miles in extent, destitute of water, and under the intense heat of a July sun, would be more destructive to his own command than fruitful in results; he therefore determined not to follow Johnston any farther. He remained two or three days completing the work of destruction, and on the 20th, sent part of his force back to Vicksburg. Two days more were spent in attempting to relieve the condition of the inhabitants, whose homes had been ruined by the war, and whose supplies were utterly exhausted by the demands of two hostile armies. Sherman shared his stock of provisions freely with them; and, with Grant's approval, issued orders for the distribution of two hundred barrels of flour and one hundred barrels of pork. On the 23d, he moved to Clinton, where again the utter exhaust
me time that Grant telegraphed to Thomas the order to assume command of the Department of the Cumberland, he sent him the following dispatch from Louisville: October 19, 11.30 P. M. Hold Chattanooga at all hazards. I will be there as soon as possible. Thomas replied at once: I will hold the town till we starve!—an answer worthy of the soldier whose individual energy had infused his own corps, and saved an entire army from annihilation, at the battle of Chickamauga. On the morning of the 20th, Grant started from Louisville, by rail. He arrived at Nashville the same night, and, at half-past 11, he telegraphed to Burnside, who was then at Knoxville: Have you tools for fortifying? Important points in East Tennessee should be put in condition to be held by the smallest number of men, as soon as possible. . . . . I will be in Stevenson to-morrow night, and Chattanooga the next night. From Nashville, he also telegraphed to Admiral Porter, at Cairo: General Sherman's advance was at Ea
encumbered with the wagons of other troops, stationed along the road; but on the afternoon of the 20th, Sherman reached Hooker's headquarters, and there met Grant's orders for a general attack on the nown. I think it better, therefore, to let the boats now loaded, discharge and return. On the 20th, Grant wrote to Sherman: Tomor-row morning, I had first set for your attack. I see now it cannotst be made to get up in time to attack, on Sunday morning. A heavy rain-storm occurring on the 20th, and lasting all of the 21st, still further delayed Sherman. On the 21st, he got his second divia, and unable to get orders or aid from Burnside, his immediate commander. Grant replied, on the 20th: If you can communicate with General Burnside, say to him that our attack on Bragg will commence at Bragg was falling back from Missionary ridge. Grant had received a letter from Bragg, on the 20th, which seemed to corroborate this: As there may still be some non-combatants in Chattahooga, I de
ectly secure were entirely exposed, and the inmost lines of communication of the rebels were attacked and destroyed. Still, Sherman had moved without a base, and the rebels had great hopes of being able to cut him off, if he proceeded further. Thus far, his force had been too large for them to have any hope of withstanding it; but, if he advanced, they determined to bring troops from all parts of their territory, and, if possible, destroy him. He did not give them the chance; but, on the 20th, ordered McPherson to march slowly back on the main road; whilst he himself proceeded northward, with Hurlbut's column, to feel for Sooy Smith, who had failed to make the junction ordered. Sherman marched as far as Union, and then sent a cavalry force of three regiments, under Colonel Winslow, to scour the whole region in search of Smith. On the 23d, the two infantry columns came together, at Hillsboro, after which, they marched, by separate roads, to the Pearl river. On the 26th, they bi